Kategorier: Alle - militarism - assassination - nationalism - alliances

af Shaan Mewasingh 8 år siden


The First World War and the 1920's(1914-1929) By Shaan Mewasingh

The period leading up to the First World War was characterized by several long-term causes, such as militarism, nationalism, and imperialism. Militarism involved a strong belief in the power of military forces to resolve disputes, while nationalism was marked by a belief in the superiority of one'

The First World War and the 1920's(1914-1929) By Shaan Mewasingh

The First World War and the 1920's(1914-1929) By Shaan Mewasingh

Immediate Causes of WW1

June 28th, 1914

Archduke Franz Ferdinated and his wife Sophia where assassinated by the group called The Black Hand.

Austrial-Hungary (Empire) declared war on June 28th, 1914.

Great Britan joined August 4th, 1914. Canada had to join because Great Britan was part of the war.

The U.S. did not declare war until April 1917.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia.

Gavrillo Princep, from The Black Hand claimed all responibility for the assassination.

Wanted to draw attention to their cause, the unification of the region under Serbia.

Long Term Causes of WW1

National Rivalries
National Rivalries are European leaders who used their citizens feelings/suspicions towards other nations to stir up patriotism and nationalism. This created tension.
Nationalism is when people see their country as being the best and puts its interests first, regardless of other countries.
Imperialism is a policy of obtaining poltical, economic or social control over other countries and building an empire.
Alliances is an agreement between countries to provide military services/assistance to each other if one is attacked.
Militarism is the belief in the power of armies and navies to decide issues.

The end of WW1

Treaty of Versailles





War ended
November 11th, 1918


U.S.A. joined in 1917
German submarine sunk a U.S. ship with some civilians.

The Famous Five

The Famous Five started the suffrage movement.
Women were not considered "persons".

Could not be elected to the senate.

Women stayed at home while men worked.

Temporary worked while men were in war in 1914-1917.

Nellie McClung
Henrietta Muir Edwards

Irene Parlby

Louise McKinney

Emily Murphy

Roaring 20's

Takies (When character began to speak in the movie)

Charlie Chaplin

Mary Pickford

Going out



Black Bottom

The Shimmy

Slapstick comedy

Women who broke the social rules and hung out all night with men at clubs. They were dances and they drank, smoked, cut their hair short, wore provocative clothing and danced with the Charleston.
Men's fashion did not see any significant changes but women's cloths became more revealing.
Canadian Inventors
Frederick Banting

A doctor from Toronto who created the formula for insulin which helps control diabetes. He tried it with a dog first then a 14 year old boy names Leonard Thompson in 1922. He got the results and it was successful.


Conscription is when you had no choose in going to war and were forced to do so.
Propaganda Posters

Canadian Major Battles

Battle of Passchendale (Fall, 1917)

15,654 Canadian deaths

Battle of Vimy Ridge (Easter, 1917)

3500 Canadian deaths

Battle of Somme (July 1st, 1916)
Took place in France

24,000 Canadian deaths

Battle of Ypres (April, 1915)
Took place in Belgium

6037 Canadian deaths


Women's Jobs
Women were taking over men's jobs while the men were on the battlefield. The women did not make as much money as the men but they made enough to pay for their stuff.
The War Measures Act
This allowed the government to:

Control communication systems

Censorship in the media

Organize the militia

Control all transportation routes

Control trade and production

Arrest, detain, exclude, and deport people

To protect the nation from threats at all costs

Trench Warfare

No Man's Land
This was the name given to the area between the 2 lines of trenches.

It was the land that both sides were trying to gain control of.

Type of fighting during WW1 in which both sides dug trenchs protected by mines and barbed wire.
Trench's are long narrow ditches in the ground that is deeper then it is wide. Dug for defense.

The Schlieffen Plan

The Triple Alliance and The Triple Entente
Germany's Plan
Germany's plan was to invade France by going through Belgium and hit France where they did not have a big army at. Then they would go to center part of France take them down pass through Germany and attack Russia.

But Germany's plan did not work out because Belgium did not let them through without a fight. Germany thought it would be a fast fight but it took longer what let France line up there troops up North and let Russia mobilize there to help. At that point Germany had to start a 2 front war what made them lose because they split the army a part. Britain had a agreement that no body could touch Belgium so they went to help out.

Instead of what they planned the war ended up taking 4 years before ending. Germany's planned failed.