af Kaori Handa 1 år siden
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any other service provider
related service provider
special education teacher
regular education teacher
detailed records of visits made to the parents' home and place of employment, and results of those visits
I think that the parent should be very involved with the student's education progress, but to do that the parents with the school have to build a strong communicative relationship where they both can make progress together towards the student's needs. For example, as I was reading this week's chapter 10 I noticed that in most of the cases, like Rowley and Endrew, made the mistake of not having a lack of communication with the parents which lead them to proceed without the parent's consent. I believe that as long as the parents and the school personnel can have frequent phone calls or even text messages during school and after even during summer about the student's needs, that will help more than 100% of how to progress.
copies of correspondence and any responses received
detailed records of telephone calls made or attempted
collaborate on the development of the IEP
equal participants in the IEP process
developed to meet the unique needs of a student
include a schedule for reporting on a student's progress toward his or her goals.
how a student's annual goals will be measured
The appropriate school personnel must that the goals will be measured.
The IEP must contain goals that are measurable.
To evaluate student progress toward meeting goals.
that the school is meeting all of the legal requirements as agreed to by school personnel and parents in the IEP process.
ensure that a student is receiving an appropriate special education
However, commit the school district to providing the special education and related services and to making a good-faith efforts to carry out its provisions.
school officials if a student does not meet the IEP goals
the IEP team members
liability on a teacher
for revising and rewriting the IEP when necessary.
for implementing the IEP, including
related services
special education services
supplementary aids and services.
During this week we had the court case and since we were also reading this chapter, it came to my mind that the case's main problem was the lack of collaboration from both sides. So I wondered how the school can always make sure to have real communication with the parents for the student's IEP. Also, how the school can make the parents feel more confident and comfortable to ask questions about the IEP.
Making pre-placement decisions or final placement determinations outside the proper forum is a serious mistake and can lead to a denial of a FAPE.x
A student's placement must be made at least annually and be made by a group of persons, including the student's parents, as long as these persons are knowledgeable about:
the various placement options
the meaning of the evaluation data
the student
The IEP team should consider whether the student requires assistive technology devices and services.
If a student is deaf or hearing impaired, the IEP team must consider:
including opportunities for direct instruction in the student's language and communication mode.
full range needs
academic level
opportunities for direct communications with peers and professionals in the student's language and communication mode
the student's language and communication needs
If a student is visually impaired or blind, the IEP must be provided for instruction and use in Braille unless the team determines that instruction in Braille is inappropriate.
If the student with limited English proficiency, the student's language needs that relate to the IEP must be considered.
If a student's behavior impede his or her learning of others, regardless of the students disability category, the IEP team should consider the use of positive behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports to address the behavior problems.
The Congress suggested to provide an IEP report along with the student's general education report card.
The measurement criteria and procedures must be appropriate for evaluating progress toward the particular goal.
IEP must include a statement of how a student's progress toward the annual goals will be measured.
In 1990 the Congress was concerned that many high-school-age students in special education drop out of school or leave the school setting unprepared for adult life and responsibility.
If student is 16 years old, the IEP must contain a statement of needed transition services to prepare for life after school.
A student must not be placed in a special education program prior to the initiation date in the IEP.
When a student moves from another district, the delay should be more than a week.
The only exceptions are if the IEP is written during the vacation period, like over the summer, or when circumstances requires short delay.
The IEP has to start as soon as possible after it is written.
If the IEP team determines that a student cannot be accurately assessed, even with modifications, and list alternative assessments that will be used in place of the state- or district- wide assessments.
Because the students with disabilities may need individual accommodations to participate in these assessments, the IEP must include a statement detailing all such accommodations.
When choosing the setting for a student's special education, the IEP team must place the student in the least restrictive environment that is appropriate.
Its purpose is to help determine whether a student is making educational progress and if the special education program is providing meaningful educational benefit.
The criterion for acceptable performance
What the student has to accomplish to reach the goal-the criterion for mastery
Conditions under which we measure the target behavior
The materials the teachers uses to measure or the environment in which the measurement occurs
Target Behavior
Observable, measurable, and repeatable
Other Individuals at the Discretion of the Parents or School
If the parent invite additional persons, they should be familiar with laws or the student's needs.
If the school invites additional persons, it must inform parents.
Transition Services Personnel
IEP team must invite a representative of the agency that will be participating in transition services.
When the student is 16 years old, transition services must be included in his or her IEP.
Related Services Personnel
In 2004, congress added school nursing services to the list to be of potential related services required services under IDEA.
If the Related Services personnel cannot attend, they should provide a written recommendation to the IEP committee regarding the nature, frequency, and amount of related services to the student.
The Student, When Appropriate
In some states at the age of 16, the students can become an integral part of the IEP process because of transition requirements.
If the student is unable to attend the IEP meeting, the schools district has to consider the student's preferences.
The parents can decide whether or not the child attends the meeting.
It should be discussed with the school too.
A Person Who Can Interpret the Instructional Implications of the Evaluation Results
ensure that:
how the evaluation results affect the student's instructional needs.
the IEP process begins with all members understanding the student's individual needs as determined in the evaluation
The Student's General Education Teacher
They should participate in the development of the IEP, including:
support for school personnel
program modification
strategies and supplementary aids and services
the determination of appropriate behavioral interventions
The Student's Special Education Teacher
It is required to ensure that the person who will implement the IEP will be involved in its development.
A Representative of the Local Educational Agency
Must be:
Knowledgeable about the general education curriculum
Knowledgeable regarding school district resources and have the authority to commit them
Qualified to provide or supervise the provision of the special education and to ensure that the educational services specified in the IEP will be provided
The Student's Parents or Guardians
Giving the parents a copy of the IEP if they request it.
Using alternative methods if neither parent can attend, for example
Phone call
Zoom meeting
I think that this is important because sometimes the parents might be busy working or sick and hospitalized, they might not be able to attend but they can still meet through a phone call and Zoom. In that way, they will participate and be involved with the IEP, so there is no excuse not to attend and participate. I wonder if in case that a parent can meet the IEP meeting through a record or if it necessarily needs them present. Even if they approve it, and agree with it.
Including the following content in the notice:
For a transition IEP, an invitation to the student and the name of the additional agencies invited
The purpose, time, and location of the meeting and who will be attendance
Scheduling the meeting at a mutually agreeable time and place.
Notifying parents of the meeting early enough to ensure participation.