Kategorier: Alle - unity - government - leadership - principles

af Dara Rowell 13 år siden


Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson's first inauguration in 1801 emphasized the necessity of unity in the American government, urging citizens to set aside political differences for the sake of national cohesion.

Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson's First Inauguration (1801)

Outlines his roles that he will carry as president

Many presicents have listed their plans to lead America. This shows their bravery and courage of exactly how they wish to run the country. If they don't have a well thoughtout plan, then most likely, they will not make it into office to be the president.
This shows the citizens if he is worthy of being the president and if he will care for the citizens. The significance in Jefferson listing his roles tells how he plans to lead the American citizens.
In this quote Jefferson tells the citizens his duties that he will be working on as president and what they should expect from hi.
"About to enter, fellow citizens, on the exercise of duties which comprehend everything dear and valuable to you, it is proper that you should understand what I deem the essential principles of our government, and consequently those which ought to shape its administration."

Trying to keep the government united

In American Democracy people have been judgemental to others based on religion, color, nationalization, and race. During the Civil Rights Movement many people discriminated others by these things.
The significance is to include everybody in the process of government.
Jefferson is trying to say to put the political parties aside and come together for the government to stay united.
"… Let us, then, fellow citizens, unite with one heart and one mind."

To state what government is in his opinion

This helped better our government because Jefferson was open to diversity; different opinons. Giving ideas of what each person thinks has bettered the government to see how things affect every person individually.
The significance of this is that this gives the citizens an outline of what Jefferson wants in their government and to make everything and everyone equal to one another, and to improve the government to help it increase.
In this, Jefferson shows his expectations of what he wishes the government to be like.
"fellow citizens--a wise and frugal government, whick shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned."