af Zahra Kazmi - Rick Hansen SS (2542) 6 år siden
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Disadvantages: difficult to maintain secrecy of the business affairs since the members have to annually submit reports to the Registrar of Cooperative Societies; since a member only joins for their own interest there is lack of mutual interest amongst the member of the business
Advantages: easy formation - members interested in the cooperative business can legally register themselves; the cooperative business still exists after the death of a member
Disadvantages: costly - initial cost to purchase a franchise is very expensive; franchise has to agree to buy products from the franchiser
Advantages: offers independence of small business ownership supported by benefits of a large business network; risk of business failure is reduced since the franchise is based off a proven idea; no need of market testing since there will already be an established market share
Disadvantages: more paperwork is required considering corporations are monitored by governments; requires more time and money to form a corporation as opposed to other business structures
Advantages: owners are not entitled to personally pay off debts or losses incurred - the corporation will have to pay; shareholders are only liable for their share in the company; corporations have perpetual lifetimes - after the death of an owner, the business is still ongoing
Disadvantages: liable for their own debt and their partners'; chances of disagreement - delay in making the final decision
Advantages: start-up costs are low; granted a larger loan capacity; establishment of partnership has a fast process
Disadvantages: held accountable for their employee's deeds; have to pay back all the debts and required to fulfill all the duties for the compaany
Advantages: proprietor has complete power while decision-making; proprietor keeps all the profit made
Disadvantages Prohibited from lobbying: cannot engage in political campaigning despite beliefs and platform High competition for grants No profits for shareholders
Advantages: Exemption from tax Grant eligibility: allowed to request donations from the public, foundations and government agencies to receive funding Limited liability: won’t be personally held accountable to the company’s debt
Disadvantages: - Consumers have doubts because they may have not experienced the product and have only seen pictures - Tax and regulations (overseas shipment) - Consumers’ fear of credit card fraud - Identity fraud
Advantages: - Accessible anywhere (minimal geographical limitations) Saved money on rent and maintenance, Saved money on employee payroll expenses
Disadvantages:expensive technology, import and export costs for materials, labour costs
Advantages: lower tax burden- overhead costs are tax deductible
Proper advirtisement and appeal is key to attracting consumers to their merchandising business
Disadvantages: overhead cost, staff demand, expectation, competition
Advantages: multiple chains=more money, spotlight/popularity= more sales
Disadvantages: demand cutback, competition
Advantages: minimal inventory, customization, room for more