af Cristian Toledo Vásquez 3 år siden
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af Emiliano Chavarria
af Maria del Rosario
af Enma Chamorro
Senses send messages through receptor cells to our brain, using our nervous system.
How we smell:
Our noses have sensors that detect chemicals that make up a smell.
List a thing you can smell.
Example: laundry detergent on clothes, perfume, food from the restaurant
Uso de Cuestionarios dinámicos para llamar la atención tales como Khoot, o el uso de Google Fomrs.
Recursos multimedia como videos Youtube, uso de Aulas Virtuales: Edmodo, milaulas, desarrollo de presentaciones como: Prezi, Animoto, Herramientas de google Docs etc
Add a describing word for that thing.
You can choose from the examples below:
Uso de pizarras digitales como Ryeboard, Padlet, uso de bot en Voky
How we hear:
Our ears have sound sensors in the inner ears.
They also have sensors that work on keeping you balanced and aware of where you are in your environment.
List a thing you can hear.
Example: clock ticking, birds chirping
Add a describing word for that thing.
You can choose from the examples below:
Aprendizaje basado en juegos - Gamificación
How we see:
Our eyes translate light into image signals so the brain can process them.
List a thing you can see.
Example: sunset, picture
How we feel:
The receptors from our skin send touch signals to the brain.
List a thing you can feel.
Example: sand, a fine silk coat, a fluffy teddy bear
Add a describing word for that thing.
You can choose from the examples below: