af Jackson Groves 2 år siden
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Introduction of the Slave Trade
Extensive Loss of Land among the Colonies
Colonialism Caused Constant Wars and Conflict
Food Security
Restoration of Women’s Right
Improved Health and Care System
materials and goods are shipped back and forth between colonies making the price of goods more inflated than it needs to be.
a risk of local raw materials and resources running out
colonies are also treated as a foreign nation in a system of mercantilism.
It naturally reduces unemployment rates.
encourages trade deficits for foreign nations.
It encourages the complete development of all natural resources
it does not make innovation a priority or does not encourage it
Command economy often ignores the needs of the society
economic system is tied to communist countries, it is no surprise that it also takes the freedom away from the people and puts full control in the hands of the government alone.
capable of transforming the society to conform to the government’s vision for the country
creates industrial power to complete massive projects
It is impossible for a monopoly to rule in a command economy because all the forces of the market are regulated by the government
the government might limit company sizes
it allows excessive intervention of the government
finding a balance between wealth equality and market freedom.
can help create improved equality and can offer safety net that will prevent the people in a certain country from suffering absolute poverty.
private companies can perform public service jobs more efficiently than the government itself
a mixed economy gives the government less regulation and control
When a free market economy spins out of control, the consequences can be severe
companies may sacrifice worker safety, environmental standards and ethical behavior to achieve those profits
can limit the range of goods on offer to consumers and may impact certain groups of consumers more than others.
reduces administrative costs to the business
the customers make the ultimate decision on which products succeed or fail.
Free market economies allow business owners to innovate new ideas, develop new products and offer new services.
Socialist regimes are a nightmare for corporations since their overall level of economic freedom will be greatly confined and they would have to comply with excessive government regulations.
People might get lazy. If people know that they get a certain minimum income from the state each month, they might also get quite lazy over time.
People may lose the incentive to have a harder job. Many people may rather give up their demanding jobs since it may no longer make sense to work in those jobs due to taxation issues
In socialism, lost trust into our governments may be restored since poor people may be able to increase their overall income levels and therefore their overall quality of life.
Money is used where it is actually needed, meaning that the rich have to give part of their wealth away while the poor will get more financial opportunities at the same time.
Free Healthcare
Socialism could help to close the gap between the rich and the poor since through the high taxation of wealth and high salaries, the rich would have to give away more of their money, which could in turn be used to improve the quality of life of the poor fraction of our society.
Lack of diversity when the government stays with the same last name its entire existence
Reduces partnerships and unions with other countries and allies
Increased government money and savings when being within one family account
Leaders are trained by their parents on what to do in power
Smooth transition in power within the family
Much faster decision making because it is decided in family
The nation can become isolated
There will never be anyone else able to run for leader while the person is a dictator.
Historically, dictatorship has a very bad rep, and have never been a solution to power problems
A good leader can gain allies and be able to keep them for a very long time while they stay in power
Ruler stability, meaning a country will always have the same leader.
Fast and effective responses in medical situations. Not having to go through layers of approval.
It can stop crime and deter criminals from commiting those crimes
total number of focused crimes dropped from over 158,000 to just under 80,000.
Freedom of speech within the people would be cofined.
People would have less of an incentive to actually work, or go to school and get educations if everyone is just going to end up with the same amount of money anyways.
Government could spend tax payer money on unneeded things, and the public would have no vote on where the money is spent
Prices of more wanted goods (ie. right now fuel) would no longer have different values and less money would be made from import and exportations.
Everyone gets a equal chance and right at succeeding
Cannot be "born" into poverty or wealth
If the person messes up their success it is there fault
Lower unemployment rates
Less people are on the streets
More jobs are available
There would never be a shortage of food or water for anyone in the world because it is assured by the government
The wealth gap between the super rich and the super poor could be closed
Voters often do not educate themselves on what they're voting for or who they are voting for, so they get persuaded by family or friends and are not making they're own vote.
Many politicians will tell lies to the public, making promises that they cannot keep which ends up getting them more votes during the campaign.
Political manipulation can be a serious issue when leaders and parties are campaigning. Many will tell false lies about other parties and leaders.
Within a democracy, every vote is weighted with the same value. It doesn’t matter what your gender identification happens to be, how much you make or what your race is
It encourages personal involvement. People can control their own fate
Governments are accountable, legitimate, and responsive to the expectations and needs of the citizens
Democracy helps in promoting equality among all the citizens of the country