Kategorier: Alle - linguistics - development - motivation - acquisition

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UTS Psycholingu

Psycholinguistics examines the intersection of psychology and linguistics, focusing on the processes involved in language acquisition and use. This field explores various linguistic theories and the cognitive mechanisms that enable individuals, especially children, to learn and use language effectively.

UTS Psycholingu

Introduction to Psycholinguistics

Language Learning (Pembelajaran Bahasa)

The Learner Factor
Strategy of foreign language learning.
Interest, student learning strategies need to be considered by the teacher.
Motivation, has a strong influence in determining one's learning success.
Attitude, have an influence on one's success in learning English.
Aptitude, can affect the success of students in learning English.
IQ (Intellectual Quotient)
The Teacher Factor include teacher competence in mastering English material (what to teach), expertise in teaching (how to teach), and teacher motivation and persistence in teaching.

Language Acquisition Theory (Teori Pemerolehan Bahasa)

The Convergence Theory is a point of integration between talent theory (nativism) and teaching/education theory (empirism). Nativism theory holds that a child's development or success depends on the talent or aptitude the child has since birth. Empiricism theory (by John Lock) holds that the child's development/success is determined by the education or teaching that the child receives from his parents, the environment, and the wider community.
The Cognitive-Code Learning implies the existence of a language learning process through the mastery of code, rules, rules or language formulas (grammatical rules) through cognitive processes (thinking) by the child.
The Habbit Formation Theory explains that young children can master the mother tongue or the first language because of the habit formation factor carried out by parents, family, or the environment, especially the mother.

Scope (Ruang Lingkup)

How people learn a language or how people can acquire a language and use it for communication. Bagaimana orang dapat memperoleh bahasa tersebut sehingga dapat digunakan untuk komunikasi.
The role of motivation in language learning. Peran motivasi dalam pembelajaran bahasa.
Language development Perkembangan bahasa
Interference of the mother tongue system to the language being studied. Interferensi sistem bahasa ibu ke bahasa yang sedang dipelajari.
The difference between childreen language acquisition and language learning. Perbedaan antara pemerolehan bahasa oleh anak dan pembelajaran bahasa.
The theory of language acquisition by children. Teori pemerolehan bahasa oleh anak.
How people use language as a system. Pembahasan tentang bagaimana orang mempergunakan bahasa sebagai sebuah sistem.
How does the human brain work related to language. Bagaimana kerja otak manusia yang berkaitan dengan bahasa.
How the language is received and produced by language users. Bagaimana bahasa itu diterima dan diproduksi oleh pemakai bahasa.

General Linguistics / Theoritical Linguistics

About the flow and theories of linguistics. Tentang aliran dan teori-teori linguistik.
Description or giving of language as a system. Deskripsi atau pemberian bahasa sebagai sebuah sistem.

Basic Concept (Pengertian Dasar)

Definisi Psikolinguistik menurut Lim Kiat Boey, dalam bukunya “Introduction to Linguistic for the Language Teacher” : As its name suggests, psycholinguistic is a field of study that combiness psychology and linguistics. The term itself was coined in 1951 though the study had been going on even in the nineteenth century in the form of the study of language development.