Kategorier: Alle

af Lesem Galaviz 3 år siden


Visiones de Elena G. de White

In a series of visions spanning from the mid-19th century, a number of key themes emerge, illustrating a profound spiritual narrative. Central to these visions is the concept of a great cosmic conflict, a struggle between good and evil.

Visiones de Elena G. de White

Visiones de Elena G. de White

The part of speech is a category to which a word is assigned according to its syntactic functions. In English the main parts of speech are noun, pronoun, adjective, determiner, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.

23 enero 1875

Visión sobre las casas publicadoras

6 junio 1863

Visión relativa a la salud

14 mayo 1858

Visión sobre el Gran Conflicto
Hermosura y amabilidad de Jesús
El mensaje de los 3 ángeles debe ser predicado a todos
Más oración y más fe

14 mayo 1851

La Santidad de Dios
Ciegos guiando a ciegos
El pueblo de Dios unido por fe

A preposition is one of the most exciting parts of grammar. A preposition is used to describe the location of something in relation to something else.

Los mensajeros de Señor

When a preposition consists of one word it is called single or simple preposition.


An adverb is used to describe a verb, but it can also describe an adjective or another adverb.

Adverbs normally help paint a fuller picture by describing how something happens.

La tarea del pueblo de Dios
El tiempo de angustia

7 septiembre 1850

Preparense para el fin

24 agosto 1850

An interjection is used to express emotion in a sentence.

Think of other interjections!

Visión sobre el espiritismo

Golpes misteriosos

27 junio 1850

A conjunction is a word like 'if' 'but' or 'and' which is used to connect sentences or clauses together.

La marca de la bestia

Coordinating conjunctions always connect phrases, words, and clauses. They are: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.


A numeral is a word or phrase that describes a numerical quantity.

Some theories of grammar use the word 'numeral' to refer to cardinal numbers that act as a determiner to specify the quantity of a noun, for example the 'two' in 'two hats'.

El fin de los 2300 días

Visión durante el Congreso General 1850

Las plagas postreras y el Juicio

26 enero 1850

El zarandeo
Llamado a consagración
Cáliz de amargura
La prueba de nuestra fe

24 marzo 1849

La puerta abierta y cerrada

Probablemente durante años 1849 - 1851

Los ángeles encargados de visitar la tierra tienen una tarjeta de oro
Visión de otros mundos que no cayeron en el engaño de Satanás

An article is a word used to modify a noun, which is a person, place, object, or idea. Technically, an article is an adjective, which is any word that modifies a noun.

Dios refrena las potestades

Indefinite articles are the words 'a' and 'an.' Each of these articles is used to refer to a noun, but the noun being referred to is not a specific person, place, object, or idea. It can be any noun from a group of nouns.

Visión de los 4 ángeles

It refers directly to a specific noun or groups of nouns.


A pronoun is a word that can be used in place of a noun, typically after the noun itself has already been stated.

Jesús ministrando como Sumo sacerdote

Possessive pronouns are used to show possession. The possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, ours, and theirs.

Visión del lugar Santísimo

The personal pronouns are I, you, he, she, it, we, they. More often than not (but certainly not always), they replace nouns representing people.


An adjective is a word that's used to describe a specific noun and to provide more detail to the listener.

Conmoción de las potestades del cielo

Expresses a comparison between two entities or groups of entities in quality or degree.


A noun is defined as a person, place, thing or idea. Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter. Common nouns, which are general words, such as 'cars,' are not capitalized.

El Sábado como día del Señor

A noun which refers to a group of things/people.

Cristo en su Santuario

Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted, even if the number might be extraordinarily high.

Uncountable nouns are nouns that come in a state or quantity which is impossible to count; liquids are uncountable, as are things which act
like liquids.

Visión del Santuario Celestial

Proper nouns are the names of specific people or places. They should always begin with a capital letter.


A verb is an action word or 'doing' word that signifies movement in some way.

El pueblo de Dios caminando en un sendero en dirección a la ciudad

A verb with its own meaning: a verb that is not an auxiliary verb.

23 septiembre 1843

Tiempo de reunión