af William R. J. Ribeiro 12 år siden
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Beauty inspire people. We need a very good taste of colors, texture and lighting.
This is super important. I want the user to experience beeing like a creative person, like an architect that precisely creates and draws, or like a painter that express its feelings using colors and paints.
I think the architect's drawing board fits more to our purpose because of the precision tools (rulers, set squares, drawing compasses). Our app helps the user precisely and efortlessly modify, adjust, fine tune an already created image to it's needs. See the link.
The painter's canvas is not perfect because it implies a total freedom of creation, associated drawing tools like brushes, pencils, buckets, colors and etc. This is too much for the Edit Mode of the app.
Sharing is vital for any app nowadays thus it's a must feature.
The sharing on our app is called Sharing Pin. A social network, like Facebook or Twiter, is represented by a Push Pin.
To share an item to a social network, the user drags the pin, that represents the social network of choice, placing it into a gallery's item.
The first time the user does this action, it starts the Connect process which is usually a 2 steps:
1- login screen
2- permission prompt
The Sharing Pin has 2 states: connected and disconnected. After the app is connected, the associated Pin changes to a stronger color. Before it's connected, the Pin has a pale/weaker color.
All the listed languages will be supported on the app, website and Appworld.
View the demo. It has too many features and tools. We just want a small sub-set. Not sure exactly if this one will work.
Watch the video. Notice how natural and easy it is to crop, scale and focus. The shape of the tool is also very important because it indicates how the wallpaper will actually behave. The shape is the guideline. This will replace the old Dead Corners, Only in Portrait/Landscape, Sweet Area.