Kategorier: Alle - security - multimedia - operating

af Mauricio Madera 6 måneder siden


what is an operating system

The software that manages a computer’s resources is critical for the functioning of modern technology. It serves as an intermediary between hardware and applications, allowing users to interact seamlessly with their devices.

what is an operating system

what is an operating system

Architecture of a computer system

Cluster systems
Clustered systems are groups of interconnected computers that work together as a single unit. Unlike multiprocessor systems, clusters are made up of individual computers.
Although most systems use a single main processor, their complexity can vary greatly.


An operating system is the software that manages a computer's resources. It acts as an intermediary between hardware and applications.


Multimedia system

Multimedia systems have revolutionized the way we interact with technology, integrating audio, video, and other formats into computer applications.
Handheld System
Handheld systems, such as PDAs and mobile phones, present unique challenges for developers due to their hardware limitations.


An operating system is the fundamental software that manages a computer's hardware and provides an interface for users to run programs.

Safety and Security

Distributed system
A distributed system is a set of interconnected computers that work together as a single entity., These systems allow for resource sharing.
Protection in computer systems refers to the mechanisms that control the access of processes and users to system resources.

Process Management

A process is a running program that requires resources such as CPU, memory, and I/O devices.