Kategorier: Alle - russia - japan - germany - war

af bran picc 4 år siden


World War 2

World War 2

World War 2

With the capture of Berlin Hitler and Eva Braun take their lives inside the bunker

German and soviet nonaggression pact ended when Germany tried to take Moscow

allies powers

All of the Allies Advance on the Eastern and Western front to advance on Berlin
Russia begins advancing on Germany on their western front
Britain took Gold beach
Canada, USA and Britain begin Operation Overlord in Europe
Winston Churchill Returns to power to lead Britain
Canada libertates Denmark
USA takes Utah and Omaha beach
Canada takes Juno beach
USA joins the war in Europe
USA joined the war after the events of Pearl harbour
Canada helps Britain by sending materials

Axis powers

Italy surrenders to the allies and declares war on Germany on October 13 1943
Japan surrenders
Japan gets a nuke dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Japan bombed Pearl harbour on December 7th 1941
Japans oil supply was blocked by the USA on July 26Th 1941
German forces divided into two because they have the allies advancing on the eastern and western fronts of Germany
Germany tries to take Moscow and their troops froze because they attacked in winter with no winter gear
Germany bombs London

Post WW2

Russia, USA space race
USA and Russia had the cold war
Nazi Germany
Germany was split up into West and East Germany

Russia occupied east Germany

East Germany became a communist country and nothing was built up past the war

USA occupied west Germany

West Germany was a Federal Republic Constitutional republic government

West Germany did well for itself and came back from the war and flourished

there were trails held against Nazi soldiers for war crimes
Operation Paperclip began, this was to take Nazi scientist back to America

These scientist founded Nasa

Pre War

Japan invades China and starts to Colonize Asia
Hitlers efforts pre WW2
He takes back germanys land that they lost after WW1




Part of France (Rhineland)

Changed the banking system

Hitler aimed to get Germany out of the great depression they were in

Hitler comes to power in Germany

He provides jobs for everyone by instructing them to build the autobhan which is a highway with no speed limit

Hitler reforms the military in secret from other countries

Their Military Power was restricted to a very low amount of planes and troops
lost lands in africa and other areas in Europe
Germany in debt for the entire cost of the war
Treaty of Versilles