Kategorier: Alle - britain - russia - germany - france

af Jett Brookes 10 år siden


World War One

The outbreak of World War One involved multiple countries and complex alliances that escalated the conflict beyond its initial scope. Russia's early support for Serbia significantly contributed to the war'

World War One

Showing how Germany rolled through weak countries to complete their tasks with no regard for their destruction

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Crime of the ages - who did it? - Showing the countries striking blame on everyone but themselves

Who was to blame for World War One?

Chain Of Friendships - showing how all countries were involved in starting the war because of the alliance system

"The ultimatum it issued to Serbia on 23 July was composed in such a way that its possibility of being accepted was near impossible" - Dr. Catriona Pennell, Senior lecturer in history, University of Exeter


A/H was being very aggressive in the start of World War I because they had the backing of Germany. However, they knew that invading Serbia would bring in every other ally and cause a massive war.
A/H imposed an unacceptable ultimatum to Serbia including that they would be able to send their army into Serbia which was unrealistic. It was a clear ploy for war
A/H was simply waiting for an excuse to invade Serbia who they saw as a threat simply because they were gaining power, the murder of Franz Ferdinand was the perfect excuse to them
"In May 1911, ten men in Serbia formed the Black Hand Secret Society. Early members included Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevic, the chief of the Intelligence Department of the Serbian General Staff, Major Voja Tankosic and Milan Ciganovic." - http://spartacus-educational.com/FWWblackhand.htm - this quote shows that members of the Black Hand were also a part of the Serbian government.


Serbia had imperialistic views which threatened A/H who viewed them as a threat now who could take over territory and cause problems, wrecking balance of power
Perhaps Serbian Nationalism led them to feel too proud to agree to the ultimatum which was sent to them by A/H
Serbia was perhaps quite wrong in supporting the Black Hand terrorist group, it led to the murder of Fran Ferdidand and a panic-reaction by A/H
“I look upon the people and the nation, as handed on to me, as an responsibility conferred upon me by God. And I believe, as it is written in the Bible, that it is my duty to increase this heritage, for which one day I shall be called upon to give an account. Whoever tries to interfere with my task, I shall crush.” Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1913 - shows aggressive nature by the Kaiser before the war about expanding his German ground (heritage).
“I look upon him as the greatest criminal known for having plunged the world into war.” George V on his cousin Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1918


Germany began the buildup of their navy simply to compete with Britain and began to wreck the balance of power in Europe and threatened Britain as the bigest power. Therefore, Germany started the arms race.
Germany invaded France through Belgium which violated international law because they were neutral. Also, Germany was surely aware that Britain was an ally based on the Treaty of London in 1839
Germany invaded France before they were even part of a war based on a military strategy written many years previous, this escalated the war and brought in another country which might have never joined
Germany urged Austria-Hungary to attack Serbia because they were ready for war and wanted territory as well, this again provoked war and gave A/H too much power
Blank Cheque given to Austria-Hungary gave A/H extreme power and confidence to cause problems in Europe. Blank Cheque state that Germany would back Austria-Hungary in any circumstance


"The number of men called up is causing general astonishment. Russians speak of an army of eight million, but admit that it will require 6 months to equip." - British Embassy, Saint Petersburg - This quote shows how Russia was mobilizing massive amounts of men which threatened other countries


In the Balkan Wars, Russia tried to back Serbia and other Slav nations in defending against the Ottoman Empire and then Bulgaria. France and Britain did not allow them to defend them which caused a lot of anger. They did not like being forced to back down. Similarly, in the Bosnian Crisis of 1908, Russia had to back down because of France/Britain from defending Serbia against Austria-Hungary when Bosnia was annexed. Again, this angered them and the point is that this anger created them to be much mroe aggressive the next time when Austria-Hungary waged war on Serbia.
The war would have been much smaller if Russia did not decide to back up Serbia because then France and Britain would no have joined. The war would've been between Germany, A/H and Serbia, so Russia was to blame for causing a much larger war.
Because of Russia's early military gathering, it led to Germany declaring war on Russia and their ally France. The war was escalated much too fast because of Russia's decision. Russia believe that because of their massive size adn lack of railways, it would tdake a very logn time to get all their troops to the front line.
Russia prepared their arms much too early and had millions of men lining up along their border before any options of peace could be reached. This threatened other countries and made them assume Russia was preparing for war which led to them having to prepare as well.