Kategorier: Alle - liberalism - protests - oil - war

af Carlin Spagnola 6 år siden


Zinn 17-21

In early 1991, the U.S. Congress authorized President George H.W. Bush to initiate military action, leading to the brief Gulf War against Iraq. Despite the conflict's short duration, it demonstrated American military prowess but left Saddam Hussein in power.

Zinn 17-21

Zinn 17-21

Ch. 20: Under Control?

America Overseas
As for the FBI, it sent forged letters, opened mail illegally, performed more than ninety burglaries in just six years alone.
The CIA had been plotted to assassinate the leaders of foreign nations, such as Fidel Castro. It smuggled a livestock disease into Cuba. They worked to upset the government of Chile.
When Congress set up committees to study the CIA and the FBI after watergate, it found even more secrets.
In 1973, Congress passed the War Powers Act that said the president must consult with congress before taking millitary action.
An american cargo ship called the Mayaquez was sailing near Tang Island. Cambodians stopped the ship and took its crew to the mainland and treated them with courtesy. Ford sent a message to release the crew and then started bombing cambodian ships, even the boat that was carrying american sailors.
The bombing of Cambodia was concealed from the American public and even from congress. When it was revealed it fed people's doubts about the government's foreign policy.
Nixon did not want to be impeached so he rsigned voluntarily.
Vice President, Spiro Agnew got into trouble and was accused of taking bribes in return for political favors. He Resigned and nixon chose Gerald Ford to replace him.
The Watergate burglary wasn't the Nixon administrations only crime. Attorney general mitchell had controlled a secret fund of hundred of thousands of dollars to use against the democratic party. Gulf Oil Coorporation had given millions of dollars in illegal contributions to nixon's campaign. Henry Kissinger had broken the law by having telephone calls of journalists and government officials recorded. Nixon had taken an illegal tax deduction of more than half a millioin dollars.
Five burglars were caught breaking into an office in the Watergate Apartment and they had equipment for taking photographs and wire-tapping telephones. They also had ties to the CIA.
To help him win a second term, his supporters formed the committee to re-elect the president (CREEP).
Richard Nixon was President

Ch. 18: Vietnam

"This Madness Must Cease"
The south still received American aid but it could not hold off an invasion from North Vietnam. The country was united under the communist rule of Ho Chi Minh.
By fall of 1973, the US signed a peace agreement and withdrew its forces.
Richard Nixon replaced Johnson as president.
Daniel Ellsberg helped write a top-secret history of the war and decided to make it public. They leaked the "pentagon papers" to the New York Times.
Thousands of young American men fled to Canada or Europe, avoiding the draft.
The Student Nonviolence Coordinating Committee (SNCC) said that the US was breaking international law in Vietnam.
The US public was turning against the war, horrified by its cruelty and others simpy felt that it was a failure.
Communism and Combat
The US started bombing Laos to keep Viet Cong from operating bases there and to destroy supply routes. This was kept from the American public.
American Soldiers went into a village called My Lai and rounded up villagers into a ditch and shot them.
Congress gave the president power to take military actions in southeast asia and American war planes began bombarding North Vietnam and also bombed villages in the south where they thought the Viet Cong were hiding.
Johnson told Americans that the North Vietnamese attacked a navy ship but it was a lie to give the US a reason to declare war.
3 weeks later, Kennedy was assassinated and Johnson became president
The CIA secretly encouraged some Vietnamese generals to overthrow Diem, but they executed him and his brother.
The US could only send 685 military advisors, but sent thousands. The US had enetered a secret and illegal war.
Diem did not hold the scheduled elections and guerilla attacks on his government began in south vietnam. The guerrillas, Viet Cong, were aided by the communist government of the North.
The US moved quickly to keep the north and south from uniting. We placed the government in charge of an official named Ngo Dinh Diem. The Vietnamese disliked him.
The French withdrew from northern vietnam and the vietminh agreeg to remain in the north. The north and the south were supposed to be unified after two years and the people would be allowed to elect their own government.
The US gave a billion dollars in military aid to stop the rise of communism in Asia. If a gov't that was hostile to the US came into power in Vietnam, it might get in the way of the United State's influence and interests.
England and the United States saw to it that France regained control of Vietnam. But revolutionaries in the north resisted and the French started bombing them. This was the beginning of the Vietminh.
A revolutionary movement arose among the Vietnamese people, led by a communist named Ho Chi Minh. Revolutionaries celebrated that they were free of foreign control.

Ch. 21: Politics As Usual

Desert Storm
Hussein remained in power but the US had showed the rest of the world what it could do.
In January 1991, congress gave bush the authority to make war and air attacks began. It barely lasted six weeks.
The government lectured the public about the danger from Saddam Hussein, the brutal dictator of Iraq.
The second was in Iraq to give the US a greater voice in the conrol of middle east oil and to boost Bush's chances of reelection by showing that he could win a war on foreign soil.
The Bush administration started two wars in four years. The first was in Panama when we wanted Manuel Noriega captured. Many neighborhoods were bombed.
Several trillion dollars had been taken from American taxpayers to defend the US from the "soviet threat".
In 1989, protests against dictatorship broke out in the soviet union and the eastern european nations controlled by the soviet union. the old communist governments fell apart and new communist ones came into being. The wall that had divided democratic west germany from communist east germany was torn down
Wealth and Poverty in America
Blacks, hispanics, women, and the young suffered especially sever economic hurts.
During Reagan's first four years as president, the US military was given more than a trillion dollars.
The Reagan and Bush administrations cut benefits to poor people, and lowered taxes for the rich. They also raised the military budget and filled the federal court system with conservative judges.
A little bit to the left
Carter continued US support for oppressive governments in Iran, Nicaragua, the Philippines, and indonesia.The governments allowed the use of harsh and undemocratic methods. Still, they recieved American aid, including miitary aid.
The price of food and other necessary goods was rising faster than people's wages.
The black fight against apartheid had plunged south africa into disorder. If that disorder turned into all-out civil war, american interests could be threatened.
Carter named Andrew Young the U.S. ambassador to the united nations.
Jimmy Carter, a democrat, was president from 1977 to 1980 and he moved America towards liberalism.

Ch. 19: Surprises

An Indian Uprising
Congress passed a number of laws: the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air act, and the endangered species act. they also created the environmental protection agency. Enforcement was not a priority of the national government.
People became more conscious of what was happening to the environment
disabled people became a frorce.
students, parents, and teachers questioned traditional education.
Gays and Lesbians felt less need to hide the truth about themselves and men and women dressed less formally.
the 1960's and early 1970's brought many changes to American society.
In 1973, Indians made a powerful statement on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Hundreds of American Indian Movement members occupies wounded knee village at the site of the 1890 massacre. It was a symbol of their demand for indian rights and indian land. within hours, federal agents, marshals, and police surrounded the town.
Evan Haney found books and started learning his own culture. As more books about Indian history came into being, teachers avoided old stereotypes and looked for new sources of information for their students.
Indians were doing something about the demonstration of their culture.
Seventy-eight Indians landed on Alcatraz and took it over. Their plan was to turn the island into a center for Native American environmental studies. The gov't cut off telephone, electric, and water service to the island and federal forced invaded the island and removed the indians.
Indians started approaching the US government on an embarrassing topic: treaties.
At the beginning of the twentieth century only three hundred thousand were left, by 1960, there were eight hundred thousand.
Women's Liberation
The national organization for women formed in 1966. The following year, women's groups convinced president johnson to ban discrimination against women in jobs related to the federal government.
Society saw women as wives, mothers, housekeepers. And men viewed women as emotional and impractical.
More than a third of all women age sixteen and older were working.

Ch. 17: Black Revolt and Civil Rights

Black Power
The government thought that if some blacks were invited into the power system, they might turn away from class conflict.
The FBI tapped Kings private phone conversations, blackmailed him. amd threatened him.
Huey Newton was part of the Black Panthers. This organization had guns and said that blacks should defend themselves.
The new "civil rights" laws weren't changing the basic conditions of life for black people.
Malcom X was Black Power's chief spokesman and was assassinated in 1965.
The national government had refused to defend blacks against violence, but the uproar made congress pass some civil rights laws that promised much but were ignored.
Freedom Riders and the Mississippi River
SNCC organized another group of Freedom Riders
Freedom riders got on a bus in Washington D.C. bound for New Orleans. The riders were beaten in South Carolina. A bus was set on fire in Alabama. Segregationalists attacked the Riders with fists and iron bars.
Martin Luther King Preaches Nonviolence
Sit-ins inspired people to join demonstrations in a hundred cities.
King Called on African Americans to practice nonviolence.
Toward Civil Rights
White segregationists turned to violence.
Black's boycotted the city buses, refusing to ride.
Rosa Parks
By the late 1960's there were wild uprisings in a hundred northern cities.
Claudette Colvin was a 15 year old who asserted her constitutional right to her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery and was charged with violating the segregation law.
Brown V. Board of Education: ordered the nation's public schools to stop the "separate but equal" treatment of children separated by race.
The nation's public schools remained segregated until courageous southern blacks took on the Supreme Court in a series of lawsuit.
Truman created a Committee on Civil Rights in 1946: Recommended laws against lynching and against racial discrimination in jobs and voting.
Harry Truman knew he had to do something about race for two reasons: to calm the frustrated black people of the United States and the other had to do with America's image in the world.
Fighting Back
militancy- a willingness to fight
Some blacks fought the system by joining the Communist party. Communists helped defend the "Scottsboro Boys"