Key benefits

Key benefits

It is designed for international students

Students use ICT Applications for solving daily-life problems

They understand the implications of technology in social, economic and ethical environment

It creates consciousness about the uses that ICT has on the everyday life

Recognition and progression

Students require a combination of knowledge and skills in order to have a solid foundation for their study.

Strudents are accepted and valued by leading universities and employers worldwide.

Main topic

Miscellaneous information

After the exam

Grading and reporting

Availability and timetables

Combaining with other sillabauses

Guided learning hours

Before the exam

Previous study



Its maximum score is 100 marks

There are 2 hours to complete the exam

You must awnser the paper, it cosists of multiple- choice, short- awnser and structured questions


of multiple-choice, short-answer and structured questions


Document Production, Data Manipulation and Presentations

TIME: 2 hours 30 minutes MARKS: 80

Must NOT have access to Internet or email

electronic source files would be provided to the students before the test begins

Compulsory paper

Focuses on the candidate’s ability to carry out practical tasks

• Section 17 Document production
• Section 18 Data manipulation
• Section 19 Presentations.

Students must solve scenarios

Evidence must be provided in a Evidence Document with its name and candidate number


Its maximun score is 80 marks

The time is 2 hours and 30 minutes

it apply to section

20:Data analysis
21:Website authoring

The students must not have access to internet or email.
But they have electronic sources. So the files must be put before start the exanimation.

Assessment Overview / Objectives

Paper 1

Is theorical, the paper is externally assessed, it contains section 1-21 of the subject content and every question is compulsory.

Its objective is to recall, select and communicate knowledge and understanding of ICT

Paper 2

This test assesses the practical skills needed to use the applications seen in sections 17,18 and 19,also all the tasks are compulsory.

Its objective is to apply knowledge, understanding and skills to produce ICT based-solutions.

Paper 3

Uses the practical skills to cover sections 20 and
21 of the subject content, recquires to show the skills covered in section 11-16, tasks are compulsory and its assessed.

Its objective is to analyse, evaluate, make reasoned judgements and present conclusions.



Main topic

Students will use skills relevant to sections 11–16.


A scenario is described at the start of the paper and each task has a purpose within this scenario. Candidates workthrough the steps of each task in order. At the end of each task, candidates are prompted to produce evidenceof their work by creating screenshots and placing these within an Evidence Document and making printouts. It isessential that candidates remember to enter electronically their centre number, candidate number and name oneach piece of evidence before it is sent to the printer. Students must solve scenarios They must provide evidece of their work trought screnshots and printouts of them on an Evidence Document, with its number and candidate number Candidates MUST remember to enter electronically their centre numbe