Willpowered Pitch
Many Experts are turning to entertainment to get scientific truth to the public...
But more content is just more noise...
The world is only getting noisier… We need to change how expert ideas are communicated.
1. Stop speaking in arguments.

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
- Nelson Mandela
Arguing your ideas in books, podcasts, and other media speak to the head.
And you are compared to the millions of self-published authors who are often able to market better.
2. Start speaking in solutions.
To speak to a person's heart, solve his or her problem.
The people who really need your help are the ones who are not going to pick up a book, watch your YouTube videos, or listen to your podcast.
3. Put them in the right context.
When you do client work, how often do you give them advice word-for-word out of your latest publication?
The real world is complicated. Solutions need to vary based on context.
We need to adapt our content to meet those demands.
1. Directions analogy
If you recently moved into a new home and you wanted to give directions to a family member or friend.
Would you hand them a 300-page book with stories and case-studies that describe how other people have driven to your house?
You may be able to get away with this on a beautiful sunny day with no traffic and a driver who is completely focused on the road...
2. Stormy world
But we live in a stormy world.
We can barely see the road ahead.
There are drivers all around us that have no regard for the rules of the road.
And the modern mind is so distracted that it may as well be a drunk driver.
In this stormy present, we need to provide people with clear, specific, and evolving directions.
We need to provide them with GPS.
3. GPS
Our goal is to create a "GPS" for helping people all around the world solve the problems within your realm of expertise.
Just like real GPS, you will know when people go off-course, what obstacles they face that you didn't anticipate, and how to get them back on track.
It will evolve over time with a single goal — use the scientific truth to help people solve problems, reach their goals, and find the greatness within themselves.
1. Get expert ideas out of books, and into practical guides.
These will allow you to show the step-by-step process to implement your ideas in real life.
Review client work, experiments, etc. to create checklists and support material that will help people apply your ideas in the real world.
2. The lab of real life
How do you know whether or not your book is a success? The sales? The Amazon ranking?
It should be how well people were able to understand the message and use it to improve their lives.
That's what you're going to get from this. For the first time, you'll see how your ideas are used in the laboratory of real life.
3. Understanding
What solutions work in what contexts?
Why do some people get off track?
How do people get back on course?
Tracking all this information will help us develop applications that makes expert ideas available at the touch of a button.

1. Solutions at the tap of a button.
Once we have an understanding of expert solutions in context we will create mobile applications that help people solve problems at the tap of a button.
2. In this situation, follow these steps.
Many problems can be solved by simply going through with the decision tree.
Think of it like getting thrown off course due to a wrong turn at some point on the way to your destination with the GPS.
Continually update based on user interaction with the applications.
Expert Branding
1. Establish Expert brand.
First, we will target the top Experts in a wide variety of topics to establish an expert brand position.
They already have large audiences, credibility, and we can focus our resources on solving the customer's problems — rather than fact-checking content.
1. Crowdsourcing
Once we position our Expert brand we will begin crowdsourcing content.
Credibility will be focused on content produced, not credentials.
This will provide a platform for people around the world to learn that it is the work that should be judged as trustworthy — not the person.
2. Peer review system
With a solid expert base established, we will create a peer-review system modeled off the best academic journals.
This will allow content creators from around the world to produce their own guides and applications on a credible platform.
It will also give them experience in finding evidence, citing sources, and spreading expert ideas to communities around the world.
3. Star Rating System
Running an Airbnb gave me terrific insight into the value younger generations place on Star Ratings — it is a new currency.
Every solution produced on our site will have a "Credibility Rating" given through the Peer Review process by the experts on that topic.
Content Creators will do whatever it takes to get a high rating.
People struggling with a problem will trust that rating when looking for a solution.
4. Expertise should be based on merit.
The idea of expertise is changing.
It is not going to be attached to years of experience or a degree for much longer.
Through this system, expertise will be based on something much better — merit.
Business model
1. Pricing model
Despite the difference in value, self-published books and Expert books can both only sell for about $10.
This not only doesn't compensate Experts for what their work is worth, but it makes Experts look no more credible than a self-published author.
With guides and applications, the pricing model depends on how much someone values your solution.
This allows Expert to price based on the real value of their work and create a clear distinction in value compared to non-experts.
Also, Experts can add-on additional services like consulting, online courses, etc. that will allow people with the biggest problems to access the best solutions.
2. E-learning Market
E-learning is huge and growing exponentially.
If Experts aren't the ones teaching the people online, someone else will.
*Source: E-learning Industry Statistics, https://www.docebo.com/landing/contactform/elearning-market-trends-and-forecast-2014-2016-docebo-report.pdf
3. Reach a completely new audience
This also allows entrepreneurs from around the world to re-package Expert ideas to local communities in terms they understand — while still getting the science right.
This will help spread entrepreneurship, learning, and the scientific process around the world.
1. Speak in Solutions, not Arguments.

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
- Nelson Mandela
2. Changing minds doesn't solve the problem.
If someone in 2017 believes that the earth is flat, proving him wrong doesn't solve the problem.
Whatever problem led this person to believe the Earth was flat is still there. All you did was make him feel like an idiot.
It won't be too long before he uses the same logic on another conspiracy theory.
3. Instead of changing his mind, help master it.
When you help someone solve problems that improve his life and the lives of his family, that sticks.
Not just in his mind, but in his hope for the future.
This won't be easy, it won't be simple, and it won't be accomplished overnight.
But past generations used the scientific method to create the world we were lucky enough to be born into...
We owe it to future generations to give them that same gift.