Boreal Plains
Human Activity
Major land uses in the Boreal Plains are agriculture, forestry, oil and gas exploration, mining, hunting and, tourism.
Forestry. The Boreal plains obviously has an open field. But it's usual to see a forest nearby. However, because the forest's are clearly easy to get at the main and most harmful human activity is Forestry.

Problem; Though making everything worse, the main problems are; Forest fires, Droughts and, habitat loss. Within' these problems this has caused an increase of animal deaths' and, fleeing they're habitats at will. AND THEN There's insects and diseases, seriously, seriously invasive insects. BUT THE WEBSITE DIDN'T GIVE ME NAAAAMES!
uhh Hyperlink here.. -->
Solution; There has been a few small companies fixing up lands and helping. Sad but true, the government didn't do much about this problem except for hiring firemen and doing small pinchies here and there. Just accept it. Government aren't always heroes.
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Plantation and, Cultivation
Plantation; The Boreal plains is known for it's wide spread placing. However, The plains are also on weird angle's making it hard to build stuff within the Boreal plains. Society have worked around by tearing upwards with their tools. This in fact caused many wild life to leave the area. Or, even become endangered. The Boreal plains have; The Poplar forest, Pine forest and, Mixed prairie grasses. The area is mediocre dry, but not as much as the other Boreal area's. (The Boreal shield having frozen ice and all..))
Climate and, Landforms.
The Boreal Shield ecozone stretches from the tip of Newfoundland to the northeastern corner of Alberta. /e Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta.
Climate change,
Wild life
These are the endangered species of the Boreal Plains;Peregrine Falcon, Mountain sheep, Y'know.. the ones' that are over hunted. plus going a tad bit exctinct? Yea. That. Plover, Eskimo Curlew, Piping Plover, Whooping Crane, Borrowing Owl and, Ferruginous Hawk are endangered. This is the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada.
And these are the local, Wild life of the area that are not considered endangered(except for the Timber wolf but they're considered ill endangered in the Boreal plains.)); Black Bear, Moose, Woodland Caribou, Mule Deer, Elk, and Beaver. And now the bird's of the Boreal plains; Gray Jay, Common Loon, White-tailed Sparrow, American Redstart, Canada Warbler and Ovenbird. Game birds found in the region include species of grouse, geese, ducks and ptarmigan.