Building Confidence around the Maps v2 (3hrs)
RD Opening Remarks (4)
Whakawhanaungatanga (10)
Through vs In the Mirror (5)^
Windows vs Mirros
In common / different
Last time we looked through
Look at ourselves
Last time we were here
Through window
Wero Laid down - SD Leaders FY23
Wero laid down by our SD Leaders - Graham FY23 A3 - do the basics well
Introduced you to Dev Maps
How to Focus on practice
What it means for Frontline staff
Today trade window for a Mirror
Hold up to ourselves
What does this mean for me as a Leader
My part
Small sized groups
Hear your korero & questions
Get down to the practicalities
And any concerns/what's getting in your way
Keys to Success (Roadmap) (5)
or talk at you
Not a presentation
It's really an open and honest korero
Have a few things that we want to check in around
Then it's where you decide to take it
But we'll go where it needs to go
Keys for success
make it safe to share thinking
We don't learn from experience . . .
Get underneath some of our current beliefs or assumptions
Share it with the group for understanding
Deepen understanding of Maps
Explore what is your part in this?
Whakawhanaungatanga/What's your why
2:00pm - What kind of leader do you aspire to be? (20min)
If we care so much about whanau, then how are we getting it so wrong? ^
Lot's of big why's
So how are we doing do you think?
Want, safe, strong, independent
How would you characterize our practice?
From your perspective?
What's been your experience?
Would you recommend our service to your best friend?
What was important to them?
Did they get the help they needed?
Was this the kind of experience you would want your mother to have?
Problem: So if we're all big on helping whanau, how come we're getting it so wrong?
From client perspective?
NPS score (-23)
Hear some "live calls"
What would they say our practice is?
What can be done to improve the client experience?
What kind of client experience is your site creating?
Great vs. poor
How do you know?
How many client interactions do you listen to on a daily basis?
How many 1:1 interviews do you hold with your staff on a regular basis?
What is YOUR practice as a leader?
You must spend time "in the mahi"
That's the only way you can know
If you wanted to improve the service being provided by your staff where would you begin?
What can we do to improve it?
How do you know what good looks like?
When you are in the mahi, seeing first hand where your staff are at? What can you do or say?
What is your benchmark/standard
10ft tall Bball standard
What do you use as your guide?
What skills and competencies are you looking for?
We have developed something that defines this - can help you
Dev Maps
Client Value Steps (10)
Whakapapa to the maps - 2018
Understanding our mahi from whānau perspective
Outside / in
What's MSD purpose?
What's our clients purpose?
Told us what matters to whanau
Shows - how we have typically thought about our mahi
Product or Process / People
Clients come client shaped
Chance to hear in their words
how they wanted to experience us
What steps in our process added true value to whānau interactions
3 things
CVS Helps us work to client purpose
Keep them at the centre
Reminder working with human beings
In a way that works for them, not us
Recap Maps (20)
Short & Sharp
8 Areas to our craft
+ 4 Self reflection areas
Give us a starting point
A way to explore the skill areas I need to be good at my craft
How we want our staff working with whanau?
What does good service look like?
Learning Pathways
Don't wait
What is it NOT?
Don't make it a thing
Don't focus too much on Label
Experience before the label
e.g. Role play
Too much too fast won't last
It's not a bat
It's a gift
Use it to do good, not harm
Refer back to 'Live calls"
How can these help us improve practice
RD Closing Remarks (6)
Story (10)
Bring it back to client
The impact of our mahi on clients
Safe, strong he is becoming independent
New Job Ops Manager
Be betting more than us
Staff at the cross roads in peoples lives
Opportunity to lift mana
Help whanau get on or stay on their feet
As a leader you are in a privilged position
Where much is given
To influence
To role model
Create a different culture & way of working
They are why we exist
This is the pearl
Invitation (5)
Get in the mahi
No more than 1 per day
Creating a new habit
Set a goal
Set it up
Make it safe
Set a date to share/unpack learnings
Barriers & Strategies (20)
What can you do to influence/create a learning organisation?
How are you current staff relationships?
Would they trust you?
What's getting in your way?
Too busy
Too many things
Te Ara Piki
Performance coaching
Development maps
It's all coaching
How can you overcome those barriers?
What help do you need?
L&CI (20)
How can we empower our People to own their own learning? (Dev Pathways)
Improving our practice: How can I apply the Maps as a leader?^
How do we know what they're kids are up to?
What are they really up to?
Go and see for yourself
Listen to another call
Lean in and listen
Take notes (Verbatim recommended)
What was important to the client?
Did we help them the way the need to be helped?
This time: What opportunities did you notice for the learner?
Refer Maps
Decision making
Cultural awareness
Refer to your notes
What was important to the client
Did we help them in the way they needed?
What opportunities did you notice for the learner?
What's a good question you could ask to get the learner reflecting on how they went?
What else could you ask
How might you set up an observations for success?
How would you go about preparing the learner before the call?
How far would you sit?
Do you need to hear the client?
Of course
Do I have to be a knowledge expert?
How might I get in my own way?
What challenges could I encounter when leaning in?
Improving our practice: Coming from a place of knowing (30)
What's the best way to know what's really going on?
Improving our practice: How can I build a practice of being in the mahi. And ensure I come from a place of knowing? (45)
How do I go about this?
What is my part as a Leader?
How do your leaders see this fitting into your Role?
SD Leadeship
Graham Basics/Practice
Job Description says
Role, Responsbility
Success Profile
Expectation already
How do you see this fitting with your role?
What separates a leader from a manager?
Leading through others
Why do I need to be in the mahi?
CDs job
What is your current practice?
Prework Question: So who is for the development of our people? For client experience? For the client experience
First we must take ownership and responsibility for the experience
Who is responsible?
Who is responsible for creating the right experience?
Pre work question: who is responsible for developing the capability of our frontline staff?”
But is it just a capability question?
Development Cycle
Key point; We are all responsible, but you have the primary responsibility
**Print copies of MSCD/MSCO job descriptions