
Importance of control

The planning-control link


Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Plans


Structure, Human Resource Management


Motivation, Leadership, Communication, Individual and Group Behavior


Standard Measurements, Comparison, Actions


Empowering employees

Provide manager with information and feedback on employee performance


let managers know whether goals and plans are on target and what future actions to take

Protecting workplace

Controls enhance physical security and help minimize workplace disruption

Three approaches to Control System

Market Control

Emphasizes the use of external market mechanisms to establish the standards used in the control system.

- eg, apple vs samsung, gojek vs grab vs taxis

Bureaucratic Control

organizational authority and relies on rules, regulations, procedures, and policies.

- eg MOM, MOE, MOF

Clan Control

Regulates behavior by shared values, norms, traditions, rituals, and beliefs of the firm’s culture.

eg, China: No 4 o’clock meetings , Japan: Keep an origami frog in your wallet

The control Process

1. Establishing performance objective and standards

2. Measure actual performance

3. Compare actual performance with objectives and standards

4. Take Necessary Action

Managerial Decisions in Control Process

Any decision regarding the operations of a firm

include setting target growth rates, hiring or firing employees, and deciding what products to sell

planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.

Types of Control

Feedforward control

Takes place in advance of the actual activity

take managerial action before a problem occurs

Most desirable as it prevents problems rather than to cure them later

Feedback Control

provides meaningful information on how effective its planning effort was and can be used in future planning

enhance employee motivation as it provides feedback to employees on their performance

Major drawback is that the damage is already done by the time the manager received the information

Concurrent Control

Allow management to correct problems before they become too costly

- Most common form is direct supervision


defined as the process of monitoring activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and of correcting any significant deviations

process to ensure that an organization’s goals are achieved in the most effective and efficient manners

Monitoring performance + corrective actions