Course Essential Questions

Who am I, What Motivates me?

I am a student in the crowd.

The question: why?

Passion to understand.

Seieing the children who doint have anything to help they make something better of theselves.

What is my work as a learner and a teacher

My work as a learner and a teacher is to ask the question why. Then come to a consultation. to also be wide awake in life. Seeing with my eyes open.

Teach my students to swim them work up to build a boat.

Lead from Ignorance.
Lead students in a direction that is meaningful and of most worth.

Like Jane, build a school for those who cannot learn because they are not wealthy

find what is true can be known and whatever is true is.

teacher is simply to determine on the basis of larger experience and riper wisdom, how the discipline of life shall come to the child.

develop a social life between teachers, students, and principal.

learn how to help every student with different learning styles

what is worth teaching

teaching the truth is the most important thing to teach.

intelligence in-flowing of the light of truth.

Love of wisdom

Goal of education: growth.

start with the needs and interests of the child in the classroom, allow the child to participate in planning his or her course of study, employ project method or group learning and depend heavily on experiential learning.

doctrine can be concerned only with what is

a sense of inferiority affects the motivation of a child to learn

Upon what foundation are U.S. Public school built

Schools are build upon hierarchy of authority. Teachers are placed relatively low in the hierarchy.

The duty of changing laws and rulers by an appeal to the ballot should be taught to all the children until they are fully understood.

three branches of Philosophy
Metaphysics: what is the nature of reality
Epistemology: What is the nature of knowledge
Axiology: what is the nature of values

swete shopes were the staring to the schools because kids where working in bad conditions.

Teach all children as shall resort to him to write and read, parents pay the fees

present education fails because it neglects this fundamental principle of the school as a form of community life .

is conceives the school as a place where certain information is to be given, where certain lesson are to be learned,or where certain habits are to be formed.

each nation has something of worth to contribute to civilization and that humanity would be incomplete without that contribution

schools involved have been equalized or are being equalized with respect to buildings, curricula, qualifications, and salaries of teachers and other tangible factors.

fourteenth Amendment

where a state has undertaken to provide an opportunity for an education in its public schools, such an opportunity is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms.

segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race deprives children of the minority group of equal education opportunities, even though the physical facilities and other tangible factors may be equal.

the separate but equal doctrine adopted in plessy v. ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 has no place in the field of public education

we must demand that our schools increase not only the quantity but the quality of americas education.

three Ts:

teachers weo are superior, techniques of instruction that are modern, and thinking about educaiton which places it first in all our plans and hopes.

To bring better education to millions of disadvantages youth who need it most

To put the best educational equipment and ideas and innovations within reach of all students

To advance the technology of teaching and the training of teachers

to provide incentives for those who wish to learn at every stage along the road to learning.

Aid to income school districts

Poverty is the lot of two-thirds of the family in which the family head has had eight years or less of schooling.

20% of the youth aged 18-24 with an eighth grade education or less are unemployed-four times the national average.

School Library resources and instructional materials

almost 70% of the public elementary schools have no libraries. 84% lack librarians to teach children the value of learning through good books.

Many schools have an average of less than 1/2 a book per child

to meet the accepted standards for library materials would require a four-fold increase in current expenditures in out major cities

Supplementary educational centers and services

special courses in science, foreign languages, literature, music, and art. Programs for the physically and mentally handicapped

instruction in the sciences and humanities during the summer for economically and culturally deprived children

special assistance after regular school hours

common facilities that can be maintained more efficiently for a group of schools than for a single school-laboratories, libraries, auditoriums, and theaters

A system by which gifted persons can teach part-time to provide scarce talents

a means of introducing into the school systems new courses, instructional materials, and teaching practices

A way of tapping the community extra-curricular resources for the benefit of students- museums, concert and lecture programs, and industrial laboratories

regional education laboratory

broaden the types of research organizations now eligible for educational projects.

train educational research personnel

support construction of research facilities and the purchase of research equipment.

strengthening state educational agencies

formulate long-range plans

expand educational research and development

improve local and state information about education

identify emerging educational problems

promote teacher improvement courses

How do I view those I teach?

see each student as masters of their lives. mustering their own resources, each on must embark upon the formation of a self

Idealism: the teacher will lecture from time to time when necessary.

Focus on the Three RS

Realism: reality is composed of matter it is fixed.
all mean are mortal, Socrates is a man, therefore, Socrates is mortal.

applied: scientific method, lecture, math, reading, writing and humanities

language is the device for communication; it is the tool through which one individual comes to share the ideas and feeling of others.

when treated simply as a way of getting individual information, or as a means of showing off what one has learned, it loses its social motive and end.

Individual differences in capacities and aptitudes

have procedures for students who have learning disabilities

How do I learn?

I learn hands on. I need to be physically doing something to learn.

Metaphysics: what is real, is there a spiritual realm of existence, what is the origin of the universe, what is the purpose of life, etc.

Epistemology: how do we know what we know, one what authority do we base our claims to truth, is truth permanent or changing, does knowledge come from divine revelation, our minds, scientific evidence, or another source

axiology: what are desirable values, what is beautiful, what does the end justify any means of achieving, are values absolute or relative, etc.

pragmatism: reality is based upon my own experience. truth is in my own mind I make truth.

Problem+speculative thought+ action+results

What is the role of school in society?

bring the school and community together to consider the moral issues in the light of overarching commitments

the great equalizer of the conditions of men-the balance-wheel of the social machinery.

in Janes time, school was only for the kids who had money. they other kids went to work shps working 10-15 hr days. School was not a thing for them.

teach social life.

teach discipline form the life of the school as a whole and not directly from the teacher.

Continuity in the development of children

Establish specific criteria for determining whether a particular disorder to condition may be considered a specific learning disability for purposes of designating children with specific learning disabilities

Who's worth learning

Children of the Common Wealth, the blind deaf, and domb.

All the Children in the Union who are being deprived

students of all colors
higher education of Negro Youth

People who are desirable in preforming in the art

learning through experience of divine things

Whats worth teaching


Preparing them for their future labors
Poetry, fiction, oratory, and taste

Teach the dignity of labor

Young men are taught trades while in school

every art has an interest.
justice is the highest category in learning.

an act is only considered to be oppressed when it prevents people from being more fully human

education proceeds by the participation of the individual in the social consciousness of the race.

general values must be taught

fundamental processes; reading, wright, arithmetical computations, and the element of oral and written expression, social studies, geography, history, civics, and economics.

Who should teach

Common school

first child going to school

A person trained by instruction and experience, is qualified for her office.
someone who is going to embellish and elevate the employment of training the mind of children

the rulers of the art because if they do not maintain their high standing in their art, then the less talented will become the ruler of that art.

teacher is engaged, not simply in the training of individuals but in the formation of the proper social life.

Who should be taught

Children of the common wealth

first child going to school

Slavery having taught the colored boy that labor is a disgrace

institutions of higher learning

mans salvation that there should be a doctrine founded on revelation as well as the philosophical sciences discovered by human reason.

kids of all colors, backgrounds, religion, and all other ethnic groups.

knowledge, learning, information and skilled intelligence

english, history, geography, economicsand foreign languages

Whats the role of the students

become a consumer then a producer

Being trained to neatness, order, and punctuality, truthful, and honest

learn from their peers

Give up: political power, insistence on civil rights, higher education of Negro youth

Find their art so they can develop this to become a master of the art.
following the rules of being just to live a happy life.

is the students oppressed?

seek not to know what is higher than thyself

higher education is no longer a luxury, but a necessity

performing on the boundary of individual ability in ways that test and push personal limits in school or workplace

Whats the role of the teacher

Teach the students that education creates or develops new treasures, treasures not before possessed or dreamed of by anyone.

Train heads and hearts with trained hands

Train the best of the youth as teachers

teach the subject so that they might have interest in the art.
teach justice as the highest category in learning.

Liberate the students

the master teacher has given us scripture which is inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof

give the child proper images, the work of instruction would be indefinitely facilitated.

to be interpreted from this same basis. the teacher is not the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is there as member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these influences.

knowing the importance of applying knowledge

do more

to extend the opportunity for higher education more broadly among lower and middle income families

to help small and less well developed colleges improve their programs

to enrich the library resources of colleges and universities

to draw upon the unique and invaluable resources of our great universities to deal with national problems of poverty and community development.

assistance to students


expansion of work-study opportunity and guaranteed low-interest loans

Be mindful of students with disabilities

children with specific learning disabilities means those children who have a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which disorder may manifest itself in imperfect ability to listen, think, speak read write, spell or do mathematical calculations.

Whats the role of the community

be able to support your physical well-being or you and your family, sufficiency, comfort, competence, food, and shelter.

send their children to school so that their kids can have an education.

Help build the schools and programs in ways of fundraisers

Society pays rulers of the art in three different ways; Money Honor, or Withholding a penalty for refusing to rule.

the school ife should grow gradually out of the home life.

recognize that the health need of young people are of vital importance to society

Reduce Segregation in public schools