Dakota Access Pipeline
Dominant Narrative(Hegemony)
The government states pipeline won't impact the quality of drinking water and that it is a safe way to transport crude oil.
The government moved the route of the pipeline to prevent an oil spill in the Missouri River, which would ruin the state capital's drinking water. They believe they had the right to make this change.
Standing Rock Sioux states the government didn't properly consult with them before making the change to build under Lake Oahe. They also state that the land is rightfully owned by the Sioux through a century old treaty with the U.S. government.

James MacPherson, 2016
This image shows that protestors are not complying with signs posted to keep them out of work zones. I think the sign made by protestors uses the culture jamming technique to change a a sign commonly used by the government to instead represent their cause.

Robyn Beck, 2016
This is an image of the camp where protestors have gathered. This was a problem for work crews who wanted the area clear for construction. This image is using social aesthetics by showing the conditions the protestors are living in and how they continue to thrive during difficult times.
ETP lawsuit against Greenpeace states that Greenpeace and their No DAPL allies are not legitimate and don't deserve an equal voice on the issue.
ETP states protestors are fallacious, but this effort to discredit them is problematic because it implies there is a power imbalance over civil rights issues and environmental activism.
Evan Vucci, 2017
In this image, President Trump just signed an executive order to continue work on the pipeline. This image uses didactic art because it is conveying information to the viewer. This image also shows that the government is not giving in to the protestors.
The protests became such an issue that police forces had to be sent to the Standing Rock camp to try and clear out the area where the pipeline was supposed to be built.

Ryan Vizzions, 2016
Police are lining a street to try stop protestors from entering work areas and to get them to leave the camp. This is an example of didactic art because it is giving the viewer information about the protest.

Robyn Beck, 2016
This photo was taken when protestors challenged a security guard at the construction site. This shows that protestors and guards both put themselves at risk. This is didactic art due to it being an informative image. It shows what can happen during the protest.
Counter Narrative
Building the pipeline through the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe reservation would destroy ancestral lands and ruin drinking water if built under Lake Oahe.
The construction would destroy sacred spots and old burial grounds if the plans remained the same. This would be an act against the people living there and would create an even greater rift between natives and the government.
The building of the pipeline through the reservation brings up issues of racial superiority and the right of free speech.
Water protectors were attacked by police at Standing Rock. People were shot with water cannons in freezing temperatures and rubber bullets. The police also used mace and tear gas. This shows how far the government was willing to go in order to silence protestors.

Ryan Vizzions, 2017
This image was taken during a protest when things went bad. The protestors are being attacked by police. This is didactic art because it is showing what happened that day and gives the viewer insight as to what went on at the protests.

Joe Brusky, 2016
This upside down flag was made as a symbol of distress during the protest and when protestors were being forced to leave camp. This is tactical media because it was made to represent their struggle and raise awareness.
The people of Standing Rock used art in the form of signs, jewelry, videos, etc. to raise awareness. "Give Thanks" was an artist-led migration to Standing Rock to show support for the people living there.
Photography has helped spread awareness and show what is going on during protests at Standing Rock.
Jim Watson, 2017
James MacPherson, 2016
This is an image of a statue made by natives at Standing Rock. This is an example of tactical media because it was made to make a point and spread awareness about the pipeline issue. It was made to help the native people receive justice.