Disney's Twelve Principles
 of Animation

Disney's Twelve Principles
of Animation

1. Squash and Stretch

1. Squash and Stretch

gives sense of weight and flexibility to drawn objects

2. Anticipation

2. Anticipation

prepares the viewer for an upcoming action

3. Staging

3. Staging

Johnston and Thomas defined staging as "the presentation of any idea so that it is completely and unmistakably clear"

4. Straight Ahead and Pose to Pose

4. Straight Ahead and Pose to Pose

Straight Ahead means drawing the entire scene frame by frame from begginning to end

Pose to Pose means starting with a few keyframes, and filling the intervals later

5. Follow Through and Overlapping Action

5. Follow Through and Overlapping Action

used to give the impression that the drawn object follows the laws of physics

6. Slow-In and Slow-Out

6. Slow-In and Slow-Out

creates the illusion that objects need time to accelerate and slow down

7. Arcs

7. Arcs

almost all natural movements follow an arc pattern

8. Secondary Action

8. Secondary Action

gives more life to the scene and supports the main action

9. Timing

9. Timing

correct timing gives the impression that objects obey the laws of physics

10. Exaggeration

10. Exaggeration

presenting reality in an wilder, more extreme form

11. Solid Drawings

11. Solid Drawings

gives characters volume and weight

12. Appeal

12. Appeal

makes the caracter charismatic

Image credits- Cento Lodigiani


