Esperanza rising
Dark eyes, black hair, gold earings
Ia a small baby who is nice to everyone
She is Isabel's best friend and she is very kind she
doesn't interact with Esperanza very often.
She is a little girl who wears her father's undershirt
as a dress.
Tio Marco
He was tall and skinny with a white beard.
He was a few years younger than Tio luis and he was serious and was way too proud. Everyone in the ranch despises him.
She is tall and usually keeps her hair in a braided wreath that crowned her head.
She is the mother of Esperanza and is greatly respected
by everyone.
She is looks not much older than Miguel
but she has a baby and a husband.
She hangs out with Esperanza and the babies sometimes.
She is delicate and frail with big brown eyes
she also has long braids and skinny legs.
She is very perky and cheery she also likes
to hear Esperanza tell stories about her being rich.
He has the same features as Alfonso ,but without the mustache.
He is very nice and kind for letting Esperanza and her family
into his house.

He has a graying mustache is barely taller than
He is a loving kind father to Esperanza and a wonderful husband to Mama. He is very tall and he is always hiding treats for Esperanza.
She is a Zapotec from Oaxaca she a short solid figure with
blue and black hair that is in a braid.
She is a nice housekeeper who is always hard at
work she takes care of the family and loves the family
so she is respected by the ranch.
She is plump with a round face and his face was
fairer than Esperanza.
She was very nice to Esperanza and her family.
Black eyes, dark hair,
IS a nice baby who is nice to everyone.
She was a small old version of Mama she wore a black dress
with golden loops she also kept her white hair pulled into a bun.
She is a kind loving grandmother to Esperanza
and every one in the ranch loves her she likes to spend
the day inside the house knitting.

She is a friendly slightly impatient girl who loves her
family. she wears a silk dress, summer boots, and a
big bow with the tails in her long black hair.
She has gray hai rtied in a tail
She is kind to Esperanza.
He has Alfonso's big sleepy eyes and thick eyebrows.
He is Alfonso and Hortensia's son and he and Esperanza
had played together since they were babies he is a young boy
who is kind to Esperanza and he was like a son to Papa.
Tio Luis
He is the banker and he wants to marry Ramona and everyone in the ranch despise him. Even though he is only the banker the mayor follows him around.
He is tall and skinny, and
he also had a tiny mustache.
And a white beard.
She is very mean and jealous of Eperanza.
She had short, black, and curly hair.