Factors influencing enery of river
The speed of flow of the river
Gradient of channel
If the gradient is steep, the river will flow quickly but if the gradient is gentle the river will tend to flow slowly
Roughness of channel

Encounters obstacles such as rocks,boulders,underwater vegetation or an uneven river bed
This obstales cause friction between the water and the channel, thus it will slow down the river flow and reduce the speed of the river
Wetted perimeter
River channels can be various shape and size
If the wetted perimeter is large, more water comes into contact with the channel. Thus, a lot of friction is generated as a river flows along the channel
If the wetted perimeter is small, less friction is generated and hence, the river will tend to flow faster
The volume of the river
Size of drainage basin
The bigger the drainage area, the greater will be the amount of water in a river because when the drainage area is large , there is more surface area for rain to fall on
Presence of vegetation
Vegetation allows more rain water to infiltrate the ground, thereby reducing the flow surface runoff
Sparse vegetation does not allow much rain water to infiltrate the ground thus, increasing the flow surface runoff so more surface runoff flow into the river and the volume of river is large.
Permeability of rocks
A river flowing in an area with less permeable rocks will most probably have a larger volume as water in its channel compare to the area with more permeable rocks
In area with different season the amount of water in the channel fluctuates according to the amount of rainfall in each season
Dry season, the volume of water remains low. On the other hand river found in hot and wet equatorial hence, areas have a high volume of water in their channel