Ben's Learner Profile (Insert Picture)
Ben Bashall


Hello my name is donkee

Main topic

Main topic

What makes me special:


Everything about me makes me special. I am the only person in the world who is exactly like me.Another thing about me that is special is my athleticism in sports.

What communities do I belong to?


I belong to the Hockey community, Belleville's community, St. Teresa's community as well as Ontario's community

What are my interests? (things I like or are passionate about)


I am passionate about hockey. I base most of my life around hockey and I love doing it. Hockey is and will always be my passion. I am planning to pass it down to my children whenever that happens

What do I want to learn more about?


I want to learn more about myself and how I deal with things. Mental health is very important and I want to be able to understand what me and other people may be going through

What do I wish I could do more of?


I wish I could spend more time hanging out with my friends. they are some of the most important and influential people in my life and they deserve to be seen way more than I get to see them.

How do I Communicate:


I communicate through physical touch. whether that means physically doing a task or by interacting with someone by touch such as sports

Team Communication:


Communication with a team is hard as I am introverted but I do participate. It isn't easy for me to begin conversations but I can be very good at continuing on with a conversation or keeping it going.

My Goals

My Goals


What do I want to get better at this year at school?


I want to improve my marks in math as well as my understanding in itI want to get better at getting work handed in at a reasonable time and not procrastinating


What do I want to get better at this year at home or in life?


I want to improve my skill in hockey and other outdoor activities in my life. I would like to get better at completing all work on time and making sure not to procrastinate.I want to improve my consistency in hanging out with my friends and family

What goals do I have for the future?


I have goals to be a professional hockey player or something related in the sporting industry. I have goals to be a worker in something outdoors, such as an environmental consultant

My Self-Regulation

My Self-Regulation


What are my major stressors? How do I lighten the load? (Part 3)


I get really stressed when I think of how others see me and what they think about me. I don't really care about it when I think about it but when I am in a situation where I could be Judged

I get upset or frustrated when: (Part 4)


I get upset when I am lied to or someone is dishonest to meI get frustrated when I am called upon with not knowing the answer

Things that help me stay calm or calm down: (Part 4)


Extra curricular activities always seem to calm me down. when I feel down, I always try to go out and be active playing sports.Laying down after a long day helps calm me down. just sitting there and not thinking about anything helps

How will I help move myself from survival to learning mode?


I can help myself move from survival to learning mode by calming myself down and thinking of what I can do to get in a state of blue brain

What do I need to restore energy and reduce tension? (Part 5)


I need to have time to myself to recharge and regroup before having interaction with people. Sometimes I need to get more rest and sleep to reduce tension on myself

My Exective Functions

My Exective Functions

Executive Functions that will help my Learning Skills:

What EFs do I excel in? (EF Survey)


The EF's that I excel in are : Emotional Control, Time Management and Goal Directed Persistence

What EFs do I need to focus on? What is a strategy to improve them? (EF Survey)


The tasks that I need to improve in would be: Sustained attention, Task Initiation, Working Memory and Metacognition

My Strengths (Things that I feel good about, or that make me special, or that can help my community.)

My Strengths (Things that I feel good about, or that make me special, or that can help my community.)


What are some things that I am really good at?


I am really good at focusing when necessary I can work well with people and can also be independentI am really good at finishing work to my best ability and working hard

What are things I can do on my own?


l work very well on my own doing assignments as I don't have any distractionsI can complete work without having to ask the teacher about anythingI can adapt to different learning strategies by myself

What are some things that I can help others with or teach to others?


I can teach others how to be focused in classI can teach others to be able to take notesI can teach others to have a better study plan

What am I proud of?


I am proud of how far my marks have grown since the beginning of CovidI am proud of my work style and how I can be independentI am proud of my ability to learn new things


What am I proud of?


I am proud of my athleticism shown in hockey, baseball, basketball and soccer.I am proud of my friends and how I chose themI am proud of my ability to work hard and persist

What gift/talent/skill do I possess?


A talent that I posses is athleticism. I am very gifted with the ability to play sports and I am pretty good at most sports without even trying. I've always had determination to work hard in sports and they have always been the most enjoyable part of my life.

My Stretches (Things that I need help with or need more practice at, or I want to get better at this year.)

My Stretches (Things that I need help with or need more practice at, or I want to get better at this year.)


What are things that are hard, but I am getting better at?


School is very hard to stay focused at for 6 hours a day at such a young age. I feel like I should have more freedom but I am working on being more focused.

What effects my learning that is out of my control?


My phone definitely has a great effect on how I learn and my focus during class. It is hard for me to stay focused with my phone around me

What effects me at school?


The environment around school effects me cause there are different environments. there are some where I know people and certain ones where I don't which effects my social skills.

What will I need support for?


I may need support on learning in a simplified way.I may need support on studying and taking notes in class.


What do I need help with?


I don't feel I need help with much besides maybe social skills. My social skills aren't bad, I just don't use them very often

How You Can Help Me

How You Can Help Me

State what you need to help you learn.

What are the most important things that you want all teachers to do for you so that you will feel loved, inspired, and successful?


All I could ask from a teacher would just be to listen. In the past it has been hard because my teacher would not listen to my problems in their course and I could not get the mark I feel like I deserved

In Class:

What are some tools that I can use to help me learn?


My phone is a great tool to use as It has many possibilities. such as searching things on the internet or using it as a calculator or other learning tool

What are some tools to help me to pay attention and keep me interested?


Again my phone interests me and keeps me interested throughout a class since I will not become bored and will still have drive to complete my work.Learning things that are fun and interesting can help me stay focused since I want to learn new things that I could use as conversation starters.

What are some actions that I can do to help me learn?


Some actions that you can use to help me could be by using visual tools like videos and the chalkboard so I would be able to visually be able to picture whatever is shown.

What are some actions of others that help me learn?


It helps me learn when classmates ask questions and are quiet when needed to. I am pretty talkative but while working I need a near silent environment

How will these actions help me to pay attention and keep me interested?


These will help me stay interested because I will always have something to do throughout the day.When I stay interested, I stay focused so always being interested is something I always try to achieve

During Tests:


I enjoy having a test that does not require memory work but knowledge work. I like when you have access to something that will lead you to the answer if you are aware of the question going on.



I think technology is one of, if not the most important aspect of learning nowadays. It is used in every class and makes class a hundred times easier than it would be without it.using your phone should only be for school related reasons unless you are on a break or finished work

Main topic

How I Will Advocate For Myself

How I Will Advocate For Myself

What will you do to take charge of your own learning?


I will speak up when confused about questionsstudy to the best of my abilityfocus in class without distractionscomplete work on time and be ahead of my work