The temptation to do good.
Determination -Matthew
Duncan is determind to find the killer because if something happens than Ducan will think that it is his fault.
Oblegated because he feels like it is his job to find the killer-Matthew
"Sorry." -Rachel
Duncan is very regretful because
he has dreams and thoughts about
the day he failed to save the drowning girl.
Duncan is trying the catch Roach which is stalking the girls. It's ironic because Duncan ends up stalking the girls himself even though it's for the safety of the girls. Duncan realizes he doing this and questions himself and feels guilty.
Duncan feels guilty for the girls who drowned and blames himself. So to atone for that he looks for roach and trys to save the girls.
I can connect to when Duncan feels guilty about trying to save people because when I did cheer, there would be times that when your flyer was in the air and they would come falling down. It was my teams job to make sure they didn't fall, and when they fell, there would be times that I felt guilty because of it. -Rachel
How the setting relates
to guilt in the story.
Duncan can easily feel guilt at work because if someone looses something, that can easily be put on Duncan. He is the type of person that would feel guilty when it is not even his problem.
Duncan feels guilty for the girls drowning and keeps seeing her. Her keeps seeing her in dreams or at the bottom of pools.
Worry - Savannah
Dunken's dad is worrying about how he treats his mother in events
"Your'e worrying your mother. Seeing you like this is really killing her."