Sexual harassment is, simply, harassment that is sexual in nature and generally includes unwanted sexual advances, conduct or behavior. Sexual harassment in the workplace is a form of unlawful discrimination and is taken seriously by the courts. Other types of hwrassment might take some time and increasing everity to create a hostile work environment for the victim, whereas sexual harassment typically brings about discomfort and negatively impacts the victims life immediately.
Examples of sexual Harassment:
Shering sexual photos
Sexual comments, jokes, questions
Posting sexual posters
Inappropriate sexual touching
Inappropriate sexual gestures
Invading personal space in a sexual way

Translated to " this for that" is a type of exchange -bases , sxual harassment. If job benefits are offered to an employee on the condition that thet partake in some form of sexual conduct, it's typically referred to as quid pro quo sexual harassment. In this situation , the harasser , who is often a manager or senior-level employee , may offer something of value for a sexual favor.in exchange for romantic or sexual servicies , the victimim may: -Receive a job offer -Receive oportunities -Receive a promotion -Avoid a demotion -Receive a raice -Avoid ternination

Retaliation harassment occurs when a person harasses someone else to get revenge and to prevent the victim from behaving in such a way again
This type of harassament typically has three parts:
1. Employee A files a complaint about Employee B
2. Employee B finds out about the complaint and who made it
3. Employee B harasses Employee a to get revenge and deter them from filing further complaints

perpetrated by a "third party" someone from outside of the organization. Instead of the perpetrator being a boss , supervisor or colleague, her or she is a vendedor , supplier , customer or client of the company. Because third party harassment doesn't fit the typical narrative , it remains under -recognized and is often swept under the rug. regardless of who the harasser is . an employer's responsibility to take steps to stop the behavior is the same.
Verbal harassament can be the result of personality conflicts in the workplace that have escalated beyond the casual eye roll or something more serous. For this reason, a lot of verbal harassment can be particularly damaging since it goes unnoticed and unresolved
Examples of Verbal Harassment
Obvious vorbal harassment behaviors include things like threatening, yelling, insulting or cursing
If this is aimed at someone in a protected class, it is unlawful.