International Student Services
Immigration Advising
Helping incoming students apply for study permit or other travel documents as required
Helping curent and graduating students apply for study permit or other travel documents as required
Organize immigration workshops to help students plan their future in Canada
Assisting in the Immigration Compliance Report
Health Insurance Advising
helping students apply for MCP
Dealing with the Hospital (especially for billing)
Opting out and transfering to Guard Me
Understanding the insurance policy
Assisting students in making claims
Assisting students in need of medical assistance or that are experiencing pain and suffering.
Contact the MCP manager in Grand Falls to deal with difficult issues and advocate to have special arrangements made in specific circumsptances for students
Programming / Event Planning
Ongoing activities
Coffee House
Craft activities
Photo contests / events
Major community-wide events
BIG Talk
International Night
Multiculturalism Week
Gros Morne National Park
Cedar Cove
Steady Brook Falls
Port au Port
Themed activities
Pumpkin carving
International Development Week
Diversity Day
Multiculturalism Day
Holiday Social
New Graduate Reception
Educational Workshops
Orientation and Integration
Peer Correspondent
Airport Welcome Centre
Keeping track of housing availibilities
Commiunications with new students (Facebook Lives, Webinars, emails
Internatonal Orientation
Part of the committee for general orientattion
Administrative Tasks
Maintain and develop content on Brightspace
Report to my regulator on professional development, insurance, client account, yearly audit and other requirements
Supervision of 3 students and part-time contract worker
Marketing and communication efforts
Attend and participate Campus Council and other campus wide meetings
Update and develop the International Student Services Website and social media
Basic professional development
Processing invoices and reconciliating pcard following univesity policies
External Relations and Outreach
Provincial government
Advanced Education Sckills and Labour
Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism
Federal Government
Service Canada
Association for New Canadians
ConnectorNL/Board of Trade
CBIE and other scholarship programs
Legal Aid NL
Business partners and local organisations (city of Corner Brook, Colemans, banks, etc)
Internationalization Office in St. John's
Budget Management
Tracking expenses
Applying for internal grants
Applying for external grants
Student Experience and Retention
Take the lead on ISB and other tools to help us track the experience of our international students
Communications with students via email, social media, etc
Peripheral Projects
Career Development
Internationalization Working Group (2019-20 Chair)
WelcomeNL Steering committee
Community engagement advisory board
Federation des francophones de Terre-Neuve, Coin franco, Board member
Intercultural workshops on campus
Working with student groups (e.g. nursing) on practical projects