Jeweliana Navarro Strengths


Seek opinions and ideas from experts. Their insights will help you formulate your own beliefs and philosophy.

You perform best in an environment where people listen to one another and seek to understand each other, rather than force their ideas on one another.

If the professor frequently changes assignments and due dates in the middle of the term, seek reasons for the changes and share them with classmates, rather than joining the dissension of others.

Look for a career where you will have opportunities to be a stabilizing factor in a group, team, or organization.

You are practical, and all organizations need practical people to get the work done and keep the organization running. You can help others see the practical in the theoretical.


Do not let an unexpectedly low grade defeat your spirits. Learn how to more effectively apply your greatest talents.

Think about school as a way to improve yourself. You will increase your motivation, particularly if you reflect on your progress.

Ask your professors what your weaknesses are, and create support systems or complementary partnerships through which you can manage them.

Consider a service position where you can help others solve their problems.

Choose a profession where deficits are remedied.


Select a career that provides you with numerous opportunities to excel as an individual. Control your workflow, schedule, productivity, quality level, and action plan.

Realize that you cannot work in just anywhere. Affiliate yourself with organizations that a known for their serious, results-oriented workers.

Ask each of your professors to clarify their expectations for your performance. Emphasize that you intend to exceed the minimum course requirements.

Set at least one clearly defined and measurable goal for each of your courses at the beginning of the term. Document your progress toward every objective in an academic-achievement journal.

Identify the most important fact, philosophy, concept, or law you learn in each class each week. Notice recurring patterns. Pinpoint discoveries.


Challenge professors with your “What if?” thinking. Encourage them to project beyond to what “might be” in 10, 15, or 20 years.

Associate with others who enjoy philosophizing about the future.

Surround yourself with people who will be instrumental in attaining your aspirations. Form strong relationships that can last a long time.

Find an organization where you can help create the future, painting vivid pictures for those who work there, helping them see the role they will take in making this vision become reality.

Choose jobs that will help you gain the connections you need for the job you want after graduation.


Find a workplace in which friendships are encouraged, and you can continuously learn about your clients and associates.

You will enjoy a job in which you serve a stable group of customers who come back often.

Share knowledge with others and build a support network.

Seek out advisors, counselors, and professors who demonstrate genuine interest in you as a person.

Develop a college lifestyle through which you share your academic progress and performance with people who care about you, both inside and outside the college environment.