English 101A
Goal 1 - Rhetorical Awareness
Identify the purpose of the writing, the intended audiences and arguments in a text, as situated within particular cultural, economic, and political contexts
Analyze how genres shape reading and composing texts
Read in ways that contribute to the rhetorical knowledge as writers.
Goal 3 - Reflection and Revision
Produce multiple revisions on global and local scale
Suggest useful global and local revisions to other writers
Evaluate and act on peer and instructor feedback to revise the texts
Reflect on progress as an academic writer
Own Goals
Become more open to writing about different topics
Improve own ability to proof read before handing a first draft in
Engage with the writing process, be more open to analyzing how papers are put together
Project Two
From Goal 1, I achieved all three or the main learning goals. The genre analysis was required through the entire project and understanding rhetorical knowledge.
From Goal 2, I mostly achieved the first point. I had to include evidence and quotes from various sources included within my research.
Goal 3 was entirely met in project two, through peer reviews and self revisions.
I struggled the most with the citations in this project. Which was part of Goal 4. I hope to continuously improve on this area of writing.
Goal 2 - Critical Thinking and Composing
Incorperate evidence, such as through summaries, paraphrases, quotations, and visuals
Support ideas or decisions with compelling evidence from multiple sources
Goal 4 - Conventions
Follow the appropriate conventions of grammar, spelling, punctuation, this is done through practice of composing and revising written work
Apply citation conventions systematically within written work
Project One
I achieved the first part of Goal 1 through the reflection prompt. I identified the purpose of my writing.
I also achieved some of Goal 3. I produced multiple revisions in addition to suggesting revisions to my peers.
I acted on any feedback that was provided and reflected on my own progress through the reflection.
Project 3
Project three aims to have students reflect on what they have learned over the course of English 101A. Following from this, the student should employ most of the SLOs within the project.