equitable access to tech resources
OLF: setting directions, building shared vision
hardwired lab: external accountability
OLF: external accountability (Ministry)
OLF: Facilitate opportunities for staff to learn from each other; Build capacity in staff
Building Collaborative Cultures
Meeting Schedules, Tech Inventory
Arts Night, Ed Week, PLCs
Fireside Chats, School Success
OFIP, LongRange Plans, TOA
Learning Management System
Ownership can be shifted
OLF: establishing working relationships with teacher federation representatives
OLF: Minimize daily disruptions to instructional time
OLF: Buffering Distractions
OLF: Building productive relationships with family and community
OLF: Maintaining a safe and healthy environment Digital Citizenship, Nexus to school - school climate
SeeSaw, Sesame, Classroom
OLF: Setting Directions, Securing Accountability, Buffering Distractions
OLF: Building Trusting Relationships with and amongst staff, students and parents
OLF: align school goals with board and provincial targets
distributed leadership
Empowering Modern Learners - Learning Environments
OLF: ensure sustained funding directed to school improvement priorities
OLF: staff members' unique expertise
Tech Steering Committee OLF: involve staff in design and implementation of important school decisions
Allocating Resources in support of school vision and goals
Managing School Resources
Technology Strategies

Managing School Resources
Technology Strategies

Technology is Pervasive!

Technology is Pervasive!

Equitable Distribution of Technology

Online Room Booking System

Online Room Booking System

Tech Carts

Tech Carts

Common Spaces

Common Spaces

Network Administrator

oversees inventory, distribution, maintenance with Tech Steering Committee

networks with ITRT, PC/LAN

Parent Involvement

School Web Site or Blog

Digital Newsletter





School Cash Online

Classroom Digital Portfolios



Info Nights, Board Flyers and Web site

SocioEconomic Status of Community - Exposure to Tech/Networks for newcomers to Canada

Digital Communication

Virtual Announcements

Virtual Announcements

Broadcast Page vs. DL emails

Board vs. Personal Email





Board Email Guidelines

Twitter Storify

Digital Collaborative Spaces

Google Team Drives

Google Team Drives

Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Team Level Planning

School Level Planning

Committee Planning

Google Sheets

Google Sheets

Personalized PD



Staff Room Whiteboard

Staff Room Whiteboard

OLF: Developing the organization

Inclusive Schools


SEA Claims and funding guidelines

EQAO: Adaptive Technology

EQAO: Adaptive Technology

School Success Data

School Success Data

OLF: Developing the Organization

Guiding Question:
Given the range of tech tools available to connect and collaborate, how will you as a principal help your staff combat 'tech fatigue' and focus on building capacity around digital communication?

Guiding Question:
As a principal, how do you expect to create an inclusive school through equitable distribution of resources while meeting expectations of external accountability?

Guiding Question:
As a principal, how would you envision the equitable distribution of technology?

Guiding Question:
As a principal, how would you use digital tools to involve parents in your school community?

Guiding Question:
As a principal, how would you ensure
digital communication was happening in
an efficient and appropriate manner in your school?