Motivation Manifesto
D #1 What this means to me is that I need to be focused and worried about the present not the future cause the future hasn't happened yet. I must prepare myself for right now than needing to get ready for the future.
D #6 What this declaration means t me is that I need to stay consistent with myself in order to complete my goals and in order to surpass others and even break through obstacles that I may come to in the near present and future. I have to be able to have a mindset that is relentless and committed.
D #3 We shall defeat our demons what this declaration means to me is that I must face my fears and obstacles head on in order to be successful. I can't let others negative output affect me I need to overcome that and keep pushing through.
D #2 We shall reclaim our agenda, what this means to me is that I must be able to manage my day, what I've learned is that proper preparation prevents poor performance
D #1
We shall meet life with full presence and power
We must choose to bring the whole force of our consciousness to the present to experience what it is to be in the moment, to be free, to be fully alive, and to have a mind in the prensent.
D #2
We shall reclaim our agenda
TODAY must be the day that we take control of what we do and must do to be successful in life, we must control ourselves to be not distracted by what may distract us from experiencing the now present. We have to make goals for us and standards that we must meet.
D #3
We shall defeat our demons
We must make goals for ourselves and get rid of things that would hold me back and that has a negative impact in my life, I must let go of things that take me further away from my goal.
D #4
We shall advance with abandon
We must be free from this stigma that others have on each other. We must live life to the fullest, with vibrant, with joy, with knowledge, and the meaning to learn and experience with new.
D #5
We shall practice joy and gratitude
Life is all about joy, love, and freedom so what must do something with our love and spread it such as preach it around with others. I have to practice my good habits everyday with opposition.
D #6
We shall not break our integrity
We must strive for greatness and be persistent about it, our mindset must be relentless on wanting to the greatest in every which what never stop. We must uphold our greatest moral principles and keep our promises to one another.
D #7
We shall amplify love
Life itself can seem more fresh, vibrant beautiful, and important when we are open to it. when we let go of our destiny then we are to follow another path that we must choose that supports us and that we can fully support with others, we must not be immature, selfish with our own demands.
D #8
We shall inspire greatness
Life is great, so we must immediately awaken the inner strength that yearns to relieve some of the world's burdens from the backs of the oppressed.
D #9
We shall slow time
We must not miss this opportunity, to feel it again to enjoy it again. We must slow everything down. The time has come to start appreciating life's blessings, mustn't stay imprisoned in our own time with out directions in our life that