Note Taking

Watch the video

Write title of lesson

Write out any examples

Before you continue: Write out the steps

Use the video to support your writing, if you need

Always do the loop until the lesson is done

Always do the loop until the lesson is done

Complete the practice

Use your steps!

Check your answers

If any of your answers are wrong:

Check your steps for errors

Review the video to check your self-written steps are correct

Pick three questions you already completed, to try tomorrow

Each day, you will add three questions, so after two days, you should have 6 practice questions to do

Make sure you know when to use these steps!

Make sure you know when to use these steps!

If you aren't sure, this is a great question for your teacher during their google meet time

Write down your steps and when to use them on a cheat sheet, for a good study tool^

Make sure you understand the steps!

Identify where the topic of the video fits in the overall lessons

Write identified Learning Expectations^

Be sure to do both steps before moving on!!

Return to here if there is more than one method being taught!