notes about databases
remove duplicate data makes thing quicker and faster ruduces storage space
key feild
also called primary key. a feild in a table which uniquely identifie each record in tht table
a data base is a structured collection of info stored on a computer system
data processing
RAW facts and figures in a disorganised state are called DATA
when data is organised to make it more useful it is called information
relational database
a datbase containinh two or more tables that are linked to each other. this overcomes problems problems of data redundancy, resting in fewer entry errors and reduce storage space
three ways you can organise data a.k.a data processing
organise facts into a simple order like words in a dictoinary or names in a phone book
work out new facts from the ones you alresdy have.for example work out an average from a lonf list of number s
present the facts in a interesting way. for example print a report or a graph