There are various types of workplace harassment in which we can distinguish the following

Retaliation Harassment

It is a subtle form of retaliation and a type of workplace harassment, retaliation harassment occurs when a person harasses another to take revenge and prevent the victim from behaving that way again

Sexual Harassment

it is simply harassment of a sexual nature and generally includes unwanted avanses and sexual behaviors


share "pornography" sex photos, post sexual posters, sexual comments, inappropriate sexual contact, sexual gestures, invade the personal space in a sexual way

quid pro quo Sexual Harassment

It is said to be "this for that" is a type of sexual harassment based on the exchange if labor benefits are offered to an employee on the condition that they participate in some form of sexual conduct


in exchange for sexual services the victim can receive a job offer, receive a promotion, receive an increase, receive opportunities, avoid degradation and avoid termination

Third party Harasment

third party harassment is a type of workplace harassment perpetrated by a third party, the author could be your boss, supervisor or colleague

victim of harassment to third party

they could be adults, young people in low-status or low-power work "cashiers or sales associates" or their position in the company or their lack of experience

Verbal Harassment

it is the result of personality conflict in the workplace that is intensified beyond casual eye movement or something more serious


threaten, shout, insult or curse a victim in the public or private
