Phisical activity for children and youth
Phisical Activity
SuPhisical activity is any movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure.
This is importantto maintrain health and quality of lifebtema

Is predicted acording to how healthy we care of food, physical, activity and healt
Sedentary Bhaviors
SubteThe practice is risky if we take this actitude we can reduce our lifespan up to 6%ma

Enjoying the Phisical Activity
To be an active person we must enjoy the phisical have fun white doing phisical activity.
Physical fitness
SubtemPhysical fitness is very important because if I am active and have fundoing phisycal activity it will be easy to be healthya

Time in screans
It is important to reeducate ourselves regarding the time spent observing electronic devices, subtracting strength and importance to the realization of physical activity that is beneficial for our health

Education Sector
as in previous years, it should also continue to be a fundamental pillar to promote physical activity in our educational institutions, since everything is learning and having importance in good physical condition is also learned

The goverment is important part of health promotion since they are the nes who promote events and campaigns.
Active Transportation
Walking or riding a bicycle is ideal but live too far come with time and walk a part of the journey

Active Play
It is edeal for children, since they like physical activity playing and doing didactic things