Physical Aparence
Physical Aparence (apariencia física)
Pretty,beautiful/handsome, good locking, smart, elegant, gorgeous, well-dressed, scruffy, untidy-looking/messy looking, unattractive, pale, fair, brown, dark skin.

Hair (cabello) and hair color (color de cabello)
Straight, curly, wavy, spiked (spiky), hair/brown, blonde, black, grey, white hair/short, long, medium length, shoulder length, blonde, fair, dark, ginger-haired/red-haired, auburn-hair.

What you can find around the face (lo que se puede encontrar al rededor de la cara)
Thin-face (d), round-face (d), dark-skin (ned), crew-cut, receding hair, bald, bear, moustache, pony-tail, shaved-head, braces, freckles, cornrows, glasses, braids, pierced ears,

Weight (peso)
Slim, chubby, plup/stout, skinny, obese, bit overweight, stocky, well-built/muscular
Age (edad)
Young, middle-aged, elderly
Height (altura)
Short, tall, medium-height
Personality and character (personalidad y caracter)
Optimist, generous, honest, smart, patient, friendly, organized, generous, reliable, considerate, funny, loyal, popular shy, sociable, introvert, extrovert, kind, helpful, selfish, serius, energetic, dominant, exciting, nervous, adventurous, impulsive, quiet creative, popular, independent.