Physical Education and Recreation By: Hamna Khan
Fitness Theory
Skill Related Components
Reaction Time
Health Benifits
Helps manage stress
Personal Connection #3: I have manged stress by playing sports and doing physical activities in school as well as home.
reduces risks of diabeties and obesity
contributes positively to selfesteem
Healthy Active Living
involves the integration of active living into a person's daily life. Active living is a way of life in which physical activity is valued and integrated into daily lives.
The F.I.T.T. Principles
T: Type of Activity (choose one your enjoy)
T: Time (duration of 20-30 minutes each day)
I: Intensity (increase heart rate to target zone)
F: Frequency (at least 3-5 times per week)
Personal Connection#2: I have used the F.I.T.T. principles when I work out in the summer. I have different work out routines for each week which helps control my weight
Principles of Fitness Training
Principle of Progression
The workload must be progressively increased for any improvement to occur.
Principle of Specificity
You must target specific exercises to improve specific components of physical fitness in specific body parts.
Ceiling Effect
At some point an increase in overload produces no significant increase in fitness level (Law of diminishing returns).
Overload Principle
The body will become stronger and function better when increased demands are placed upon it.
Training results decrease if the body is not regularly challenged.
Body Types
Small bones, thin muscles, narrow chest, round shoulders, small buttocks
Large Bones, powerful legs, trim waist, broad shoulders and firm well developed muscles.
wide hips, large abdomen, high percentage of body fat, heavy legs, full buttocks
Personal Connection #1: My body is an endomorph structure as I have wide hips from genetics, a high percentage of body fat and can gain weight easily. However, it is difficult for me to lose weight.
Growth and Development
The most common STI in Canada. Affects of women: increases vaginal discharge, pain during urinated and vaginal bleeding. Men: discharge from the penis and burning sensation.
Spread through anal, oral and vaginal sex even if a condom is used. Can be deadly, may cause death, however, can also be cured.
Slang is drip, discharge from vagina or penis, burns and have to go to the bathroom a lot. Can lead to sterility, can be cured by anti- biotics.
Women: itches, painful urination, bleeding during sexual intercourse and can cause reproductive complications.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
One of the most common STI in Canada. 75% of Canadians will have one HPV infection in thier life. May cause genital warts and can lead to skin cancer (depending on the type).
Can be transferred from close skin to skin contact , through sexual intercourse. No symptoms and no known cure (use barriers).
Herpes (Symplax)
Very painful, symplax 2 is more common, however, it is not considered a STI. Can cause cold sores and cakers.
Will be carried to another person by direct skin contact. some symptoms include fluid filled blisters and swelling of lymph nodes.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the immune system, the body's natural defense system. Without a strong immune system, the body has trouble fighting off disease.
Having protection if having intercourse, since the couple doesn't want a disease, being pregnant or be infected by a virus.
Males can use a condom and females can use birth pills.
Personal Connection #1: In grade 8 I was taught that if anyone has gone somewhere that drugs are being abused, people should go in groups and make sure no one has used drugs. When under the influence of drugs people are not fully aware of there surroundings. Many teens go out to parties using drugs and later find out they are pregnant. This is because 1st they are under the influence of drugs and 2nd they ae not protected even if they are not under the influence of drugs.
Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. Some people have no symptoms whereas others develop yellow discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes.
"The most common types of viral hepatitis in Canada are hepatitis A, B and C. They are all contagious."("Institutional links.")
Personal Connection #2: Some people in my family have been diagnosed with Jaundice when they were a baby. Jaundice and Hepatitis ar very similar since they both have the inflammation of the liver. Luckily, I have not been diagnosed with any disease or virus.
Personal Connection #3: As I was growing up I have been told that I am allergic to some natural growing elements. Such as grass, dust and weeds. This means that our immune system does not accept certain natural objects giving you an allergic reaction.
Substance Use and Abuse
A substance that raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body.
Opioids are drugs that act on the nervous system to relieve pain.
Inhalants are volatile substances that produce chemical vapors that can be inhaled to induce a psychoactive, or mind-altering, effect.
Personal Connection #3: I find it disgusting that some people like the smell of gasoline as well as lead.
A drug that reduces excitability and calms a person
Sleeping Pills
A tall plant with a stiff upright stem, divided serrated leaves, and glandular hairs. It is used to produce hemp fiber and as a psychotropic drug.
Found in cigarettes
Personal Connections #1: I have suffered many family members that have been diagnosed with lung cancer due to the consumption of cigarettes. Throughout the years my father has also been addicted to cigarettes and my family have tried throughout many years for him to lose his habit and now he is cigarette free. Instead of having a cigarette he would either eat grain products as well as nuts.
Hallucinogens are a diverse group of drugs that alter perception, thoughts, and feelings.
Plants and Mushrooms
Personal Connection #2: I have never in my life taken a drug except the ones doctors prescribe.
Fluid that is essential for life.
Personal Connection #2: I have minimized the number of ounces of water I have to consumer in a day, and if I do not want to drink water, I add lemons or fruit so I can enjoy my drink even more.
Protien/ Fats
Fat: A nutrient that gives us energy. Fibers: the indigestible part of plant foods that helps to move food through the digestive tract.
A nutrient that provides our main source of energy to our muscles and our brain.
Found in Grain products, fruits & vegetables. Includes sugars, starch and fibers.
Nutrients needed by the body in very small amounts. help the body grow and become stay healthy.
Meats and Alternatives
Nutrients provided: protein, minerals and fat
beans, lentils and tofu, eggs, nuts, nut butters
Milk and Alternatives
Nutrients Provided: protein, fat, vitamins and minerals.
Milk, cheese, paneer and yogurt
Grain Products
Nutrients provided: CHO, vitamins and minerals (iron)
Bread, pasta, oatmeal, breakfast cereals, tortillas, and grits are examples of grain products.
Fruits and Vegetables
Nutrients provided: CHO, vitamins and minerals.
Apple, Oranges, Squash, Cucumbers
Personal Connection #1: I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. However, still manage to control my unhealthy foods.
Persoanl Connection #3: My favorite fruits are pears, strawberries, lychees and
Sports Unit
Defensive Strategies
Use hands, feet, stick or body to prevent pass or scoring attempt.
Staying between the offensive player and the goal.
Protecting the end zone (goal) by making a wall.
Personal Connection #1: Throughout the year I have learned game strategies that have helped me be better in sports. Some strategies such as communication, moving to open space and short passes which I demonstrated in all sports throughout the course.
Offensive Strategies
Short passes to teammates
Moving and creating open space.
Kepping the possession of the ball or object
Indiviual Pursuits
Territory Games
Striking/ Fielding Games
Net/Wall Games
Ping Pong
Personal Connection #3: Net/wall games are my favorite type of sports.
Personal Connection #2: I enjoy playing sports and I admit I may be competitive sometimes.
Mental Health/Personal Safety
Conflict Management Styles
Only does something which has benefits to themselves.
with draw from conflicts
Compromises made between both sides of the conflict.
Personal Connection #1: In conflicts with someone I have a relationship with if it be family or friends, I try to make both sides happy.
Mental Health
"Almost 20% of Canadians will personally experience a mental illness in their lifetime. "("Fast Facts about Mental Illness.")
"Mental illness affects people of all ages, educational and income levels, and cultures."("Fast Facts about Mental Illness." )
Body Image
The mental pictures one has of his/her physical appurtenance and the associated attitudes and feelings towards it.
Media promotes perfect body type but does not give a positive outlook on body image.
Must have a strong relationship by understanding each other, being able to tell feelings without anyone being mistaken.
Positive: honest, trust, communicating
Negative: lying and less communicating
Both partners should have consent in the protection they need if they are deciding to have intercourse.
Feeling body is not like others, many people would like perfect thin, tall bodies however, it is not for everyone.
Personal Connection #2: As i started high school I also had many times where I was not happy with my body image, as I would see these skinny girls come to school I felt like I was not belonged. Throughout grade 10 I have learned to appreciate my body as there is only one of me and thousands of girls suffering the same thing I was.
Due to the fact that the endomorphs body structure may easily gain weight if eating foods, they may feel sad or become depressed as their body isn't a figure they would want.
Health Habits
Eating Healthy regulary
Physical Activity
Drinking water
Personal Connection #3: Throughout years I make sure to include all healthy habits into my life so I can be fit and appreciate my body image.
Media Types: Television, movies, magazines, radio. These all promote diet plans and body goals.
"Fast Facts about Mental Illness." Canadian Mental Health Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2017.
"Institutional links." Hepatitis - Infectious Diseases - Public Health Agency of Canada. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2017.
"Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)." N.p., 27 Apr. 2016. Web. 16 Jan. 2017.
Gupta, Dr. Samir. "Growing STI rates call for renewed concerns in Canada." Global News. N.p., 02 Mar. 2016. Web. 17 Jan. 2017.
"Health in Canada." Government of Canada, Statistics Canada. N.p., 03 Nov. 2016. Web. 16 Jan. 2017.
"Common menu bar links." Findings. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Jan. 2017.
"About substance abuse." Government of Canada, Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Controlled Substances and Tobacco Directorate. N.p., 30 Sept. 2014. Web. 16 Jan. 2017.
"Teen Drug Abuse Facts & Their Implications." Canadian Centre for Addictions. N.p., 19 Aug. 2016. Web. 17 Jan. 2017.
"President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition." Facts & Statistics - President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Jan. 2017.