How do vertical or rooftop
garden help insulate structure?

Thermal Energy Positive impact

Because of the green roofs insulation it makes it more efficient in more than one manner to help capture thermal energy. Conduction is prevented because of the amount of layers presented in the green roofs. With green roofs each layer has a different ranges of heat capacity. Usually roof top will have the proper components of soil and other source of grounding, and the actual roof. The existing shingles and water proofing roofs still exist. Due to the protection board, water-proofing membrane, insulation, drainage/storage layer, filter fabric the temperate in the house will depend less on the temperate outside of the house(will stay warm in winter, and cool in summers).

Planets uses photosynthesis and capture GHG gases which are the main reason behind the thermal heating of the world. By getting rid of just some of these gases the thermal energy will go down. Also the sun's radiated energy is absorbed by these planets to make food reducing heating of land.



What energy transformations are taking place?

Through direct shading of the roof, evapotranspiration and improved insulation values will widely adopt the reduction of urban hear island, decreasing smog episodes, and other problem associated with heat street and further lower energy in an urban area.

What are they and how does it work?

Green roofs is when green spaces are created on top of a regular roof. These repp are becoming widely popular around the world. They were first created in Germany, and now becoming a great deal of solution toward many global problems.

Types of Green roofs
There are various form of greenroof top however there are three that stand out: Extensive, semi-intensive, and intensive. Extensive roof are between 3-6 inch deep, they need low maintenance, no irrigation required, and about 15 to 30b square foot. intensive roof are 1 foot in depth, and support wide range of plants. They support trees and shrubs, however they need high level of maintenance and irrigation is required. This is normally found in larger buildings or homes, with 70 lb per square foot. Lastly semi-intensive is the general middle in the middle and grows an average amount of planets per range.






Nat Geo

Nat Geo

Estimated efficiency, or improvement in efficiency?

Green roofs have been proven to increase roof durability, longevity, and save on energy costs

Due to the fact that summer occurs in most countries which allows them to grow their farms. it will be very efficient for these roof tops to occur. Especially for those who have summer for more then half of their year. Therefore it will never be insufficient because it will always be helpful year round.


Identify positive environment impacts

Planting vegetation, primarily forests has been identified as an important component of stray to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)

Planting vegetation, primarily forests has been identified as an important component of stray to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, through the process of photosynthesis.

However, due to the limited habitable land on North America and metropolitan cities, new adoptions have been made to carry out these plans. Rooftop gardens or green roofs are the next project to decreasing global warming.

At this moment, Germany in particular are carrying out significant amount of technical research to improve the various roofing components.

If can was to have these rooftop gardens GHG emissions would reduce by 6 percent relative to 19990 levels.

In assesses these rooftop gardens will filter out airborne pollutants washed off in the rain.

Environmental Benefits-
-Prevent combine sewer overflow
-Reduce carbon dioxide impact
-Remove nitrogen pollution in rain
-Neutralize acid rain effect
-Provide habitat for birds and insects
-Reduce smog/improve air quality
-Reduce city "heat island effect"
-Reduce energy demand


Identify one negative environmental impact.

A lot of raw materials will be needed to make the green rooftops. Also the construction of these roofs will take a lot of work, leading to the production green house gases. The amount of material needed to make these rooftops secure and efficient is really large.

Not to mention the rooftops only are efficient in certain places. For example if the area is to cold, or does not receive enough sun light, it will be insufficient to grow certain plants and habitat them.

Because it is a new concept presented to the world, it is hard to know the negatively. However, if there is a problem with the house or the building, the rooftop garden will be demolished with it. It is not possible to move the garden from the house. Depending on your type of rooftop garden, it will need a lot of space in order for planets to be planted. If one has a small building or house, it will be unlikely for them to have a roof top garden.




Promoting Roof tops

Being a new multifaceted solution to improve the health of cities and other beneficial ideas it is hard for many cities to accept these ideas. Therefore it will be the work of promotions that will make these ideas acceptable toward large cities and people. Developers, policy makers, architects, and the public require performance information on the technology, benefits, and costs involved. Even when a city recognizes the benefits of rooftop gardens, there is still the need to encourage the construction of green roofs by making them a financially viable option.


Many will look upon the doubling of the cost of these conventional roof tops, but should be reminded about the benefits that

Many will look upon the doubling of the cost of these conventional roof tops, but should be reminded about the benefits that will add to the cost. Alternative technologies - when first introduced to the marketplace - are often slow to develop due to higher front-end capital outlay and performance uncertainties. Therefore, policy makers must utilize economic incentives to stimulate green roof development in order to create a local product. Eventually the market will work to decrease the initial cost. and eventually it will be used establish financial and environmental performance records.

This is just some of the ways that Canada will promote its plan. Visit the websites at the subtopic called "Still need more i

This is just some of the ways that Canada will promote its plan. Visit the websites at the subtopic called "Still need more information" in order to know their whole plan.




Still need more information

This website literally tells all the benefits and procedure country has to go in order to in act his plan. It is a depth into the plans that Canada and all other countries around the world will do in order to promote this idea.

Where are the thermal energy losses primarily occurring?

There are very less thermal energy loss, because the whole idea of these roof tops are to help insulate houses making it easy to keep thermal energy trapped inside these buildings. Also they capture green house capture which is the primary cause of the increase temperature around the world.

Even though it is an inexpensive new adoption strategy, the technical information on their thermal performance and envirinonemtnal benefits in Canada's context is not available.

Vertical Rooftop





They are th same thing as normal rooftop but need alitlle more maintenance and attention in order for the garden to grow.

Identify positive societal impacts. A societal impact is something that affects people's quality of life.

They can also help to improve water management if sufficiently implanted in an urban area. Some parts of the rain can be stored in a temporary level and later be used by the plants, therefore return through atmosphere through evapotranspiration.

the process by which water is transferred from the land to the atmosphere by evaporation from the soil and other surfaces and by transpiration from plants.

they help run-off sewage system thus helping to reduce the frequency of combined sewage overflow events, which is a major issue in large cities in N.A.

In addition rooftops will allow the increase of membrane durability, provide additional spare in urban areas, and lastly increase property values.

Social Benefits-
-Expand roof life by two or three times
-Reduce summer air conditioning cost
-Reduce winter heat demand
-Storm water management tool
-Improve public relations
-Use dead space as a garden
-Reduce energy demand

In an accessible rooftop garden, space becomes available for localized small-scale urban agriculture, a source of local food production. An urban garden can supplement the diets of the community it feeds with fresh produce and provide a tangible tie to food production. Rooftop agriculture allows for the retention of traditional or cultural gardening practices while local choice of plants can preserve heritage species and maintain diversity in diet.

People around the world, will be offered more food as "local" as possible. Therefore they will know whats in their food, and if an certain chemical has been added to it. By growing food near use, we will decrease the "food miles" associated with long-distance transportation.

Also it these rooftops and patio gardens can create a peaceful atmosphere for many people. not to mention the booming business that all spring up around these urban cities, with the increasing jobs that will be found in these depressed urban areas.

Identify negative societal impacts

Added weight to buildings

Instead of using heavy soil, for the garden a mixture of volcanic rock, with expanded stone and perlite is most likely to be used. If soil was the main mixture of roofs it would be hard for most roofs to be able to handle the weight. Using light materials for the greenroof tops are the only solution.

Level of care required

In this case, eventually a different technology can be made to maintain the garden. However, because it will take more time and money, it will be reasonable to buy semi-intensive and intensive roofs instead.

Root/vine damage to the building

If several layer of green roof structure protects the building and the water has a hard and steady structure it is possible to decrease the amount of damage on the building. Because of the water, and the drainage/storage layer it will be important to maintain the insulation of the structure.


Although a lot of money will be needed for the green roof top to be built, it is still benefical in many ways. The green roofs expand the life of a roof by 2 or 3 times also increasing the value at the same rate.Also the home owners will need less heating and cooling. In would take around 5 to 10 dollar per square foot minimum and the strucute must be suited for the rooftop. However by saving money on other components you are essentially saving more money in the long run.

Water damage

If proper installation in installed and a good leak detection system is provided, it will easier to detect any problems. It will be necessary to prevent any regular drainage. Also more lawyers can be installed to make sure they protective the building from any damage.



What is the most responsibly way to use this energy technology?

It will be responsible to use this new technology around places where it is warm and a lot of environmental losses has occurred. This will the city to heal from the loses and will allow them to increase their wealth at the same time.

If a person has a large building, or a building it will be responsible to put these roof tops around these areas. Because of the large area it will make it much more beneficial then smaller roof top areas. Also it will provide the building with their own food an tourist attraction.

NRC( National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and Environment Canada, the Climate change action fund and members of the Canadian roofing industry.

are working together in a research project to study the various benefits of this technology. Mainly the objective of this project in Canada is to indentiy sensitivities to climate variability and to quantify the benefits of technology under climate conditions.



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