pschology teachers_theories/Pedagogy

Albert Einstein
mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2
Zone Proximal development
Scaffolding: Give more support to pupils/students
who need help
Jean Lave
who share same opinions with Vygotsky and disagree with paignet
Practical of Learning
Situated learning theory-lave

Phil races(Sciencist/Teacher)

ripples on the Pond

Formative assessment
Kolb's reflection cycle
The Handbook of Communication Skills by Owen Hargie (amazon Uk)
Professor Owen Hargie (university Ulster Lecturer )
Professor of Communication
Institute for Research in Social Science (Contact him)
Professor Noel Entwistle
Deep Learner
Surface Learner
Howard Gardener
Multiple approaches to Understanding
Bloom's taxonomy
Teachers apply for classes
Verb wheels
Hermann's whole Brain theory
Whole brain theory on teaching
HBDI Model
The Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument Thinking Preferences
Blank Smart template
Autism (Armagh lady frances )
Brain/Memory connections
Gilly Salmon
Online BrickLaying PDF
5 Stages of Model on Online Learning
E-Moderating Online
Jack Mezirow
Transformative Learning
Main topic

Gibb's reflective cycle
Mindmap on gibb's reflective cycle
Robin Usher
Experience ,Pedagogy and Social Practices
Jerome Bruner
John heron's
Life cycle and Learning cycles
Main topic
Sue culley and Bond
Integrated Counselling skills in action Page 14
Bandura (pschology teachers_theories)

social learning theory
Social learning theory and technology
Bandura's Social theory article
Bandura's biography Presentation
Comparision with other theorists
Carol Ann tomlinson (teachers_theories

Differentiation in a mixed ability classroom
Celia O'hagan (University lecturer_Teachers_Researcher_theories)
7 Further Education teaching skills
Assessment for Learning (Celia O'hagan /Dr.John Milenken)
Geoff Petty(Teacher-Researcher_)

Teachers today
Explanations on teaching methods theories

Evidence based theory
Explanations on teaching methods theories with evidences Proof