
Study the psychological and neurobiological factors
that enable humans to acquiere to use to comprehend and to produce language


Scientific study of language

Can be conbined with other disciplines in order to create hybrid disciplines; it combine the scientific approaches with linguistics.

- Sociolinguistics
- Historical linguistics
- Computational linguistics
- Psycholinguistics

Has its own branches and goals

Language processing

Speech production = how is it produced?

Comprehension = how is it interpreted?

Language Acquisition

Acquisition studies = How young children acquire language?

Strategies = What strategies are applied for their language production?

Phases = What happens at different phases of development?


The CNS (Central nervous System)

Brain centers = two hemispheres, left and rigth

Language Disorders = physiological damage to the brain can impair language


Scientific study of human mind and its functions

Name: Andrés Calcina Guarachi

Date: July 27, 2022

Subject: Psycholinguistics L2