¿Qué es un Robot?
After the pandemic
![Social media provided quick and easy access to relevant updates. This caused by the demand for information.](http://comunidad.iebschool.com/iebs/files/2014/06/redes-sociales-como-fuente-de-informaci%C3%B3n.jpg)
Social media provided quick and easy access to relevant updates. This caused by the demand for information.
![More time is spent on social media.](https://s03.s3c.es/imag/_v0/770x420/3/f/9/reloj.jpg)
More time is spent on social media.
Log in for a longer time due to the outbreak.
They are used to keep up to date with current news and events.
Social media for fun
![Consumption is now active.](https://www.posicionamiento-webmadrid.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/consejos-para-aumentar-la-interaccion-en-redes-sociales.jpeg)
Consumption is now active.
![The outbreak has created ties between family and friends. Which make videos on Tik Tok to improve the family environment.](https://static.mercadonegro.pe/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/20190057/tiktok_1.jpg)
The outbreak has created ties between family and friends. Which make videos on Tik Tok to improve the family environment.
Social media for convenience
![The platforms help combat loneliness, stress and anxiety caused by confinement. Beneficial for mental health.](http://www.livmagazine.com.mx/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/1joven-ordenador-redes-sociales-copy.jpg)
The platforms help combat loneliness, stress and anxiety caused by confinement. Beneficial for mental health.
Social media for purely "social" activities
The role of social media now is to seek the connection with the community.
"Un dispositivo capaz de moverse de modo flexible, análogo al que poseen los organismos vivos, con o sin funciones intelectuales, permitiendo operaciones en respuesta a las órdenes humanas."
Asociación Japonesa de Robótica Industrial (JIRA)
"Un dispositivo capaz de moverse de modo flexible, análogo al que poseen los organismos vivos, con o sin funciones intelectuales, permitiendo operaciones en respuesta a las órdenes humanas."
Instituto de Robótica de América (RIA)
un manipulador multifuncional y programable, diseñado para desplazar materiales, componentes, herramientas o dispositivos especializados por medio de movimientos programados variables con el fin de realizar tareas diversas’.
Real Academia Española
Máquina o ingenio electrónico programable que es capaz de manipular objetos y realizar diversas operaciones.
Social media for purely "social" activities
![The role of social media was based on passive and purposeful activities.](https://www.bacanalnica.com/wp-content/uploads/media/k2/items/cache/b5ed17c7472ab015c63c7e4216f33034_L.jpg)
The role of social media was based on passive and purposeful activities.