


It sounds like this video, all day, every day

Temperatures in the mid eighties during the day

The wind blows constantly from 5-30 mph

Temperatures near eighty at night, but it feels cooler due to the wind

Fine and Dandy

Highs in the mid seventies during the day

Lows in the sixties at night

Sunny to partly cloudy

Just Chill

Temperatures may rise to the fifties during the day

Temperatures in the thirties at night

Possible Snow at night!

Possible Snow at night!

Drizzly Dampish

Drizzle, rain, or thundershowers 24 hours a day

Temperatures in the sixties during the day

Temperatures near fifty during the night

Feels chilly due to the dampness

Though it might make you sleepy, here is how it sounds.

After only observing the island for six weeks, scientists found that it has an amazing weather system - mainly based on its r

After only observing the island for six weeks, scientists found that it has an amazing weather system - mainly based on its rapidly changing seasons.

The seasons there change weekly! So, if you don't like the weather, stay a few days - it will change!

The seasons there change weekly! So, if you don't like the weather, stay a few days - it will change!