r1-The main issue which we as teachers/parents are facing is ill-disciplined behaviour of our students.As far as class rooms are concernerned, it is the responsibility of teacher to address this issue. Constant teaching, reminding, reward/detention, periodic goal settings may help in getting required and long lasting results.2-When students are outside the class rooms they want no restrictions and checks. Keeping in view their phsycological plus physical needs they are rightful to demand this. But as teachers/caretakers we have a responsibility towards their safety also.That can be achieved if the environment outside the class room is conducive to safety.Suggestive measures:Students have DEFINITE order not to stay in the class rooms during recess break. To implement this: we already have teachers on duty during break time. In addition to that a class monitor may be assigned the task to ensure that all students have left the classes during lunch break. Presence of security guard(s) during recess may prove more effective and it will be a detterent and discourage students running up and down the corridors. CC TVs may be installed. And these may win us trust, confidence and satisfaction from parents. Not only that but students will also feel secure and important. Moreover, anyone who has some ill intentions WILL think twice. Further more authorities will have a real time picture of the respective areas. Any sort of appreciation(certificate/verbal etc.) from the head of the school for the most disciplined child (e.g of month) may act as an encouragement. IDEAL SITUATION;A covered airconditioned dome/hall/cafeteria will encourage students to head for the facility as soon as the recess bell goes on.