Oligarchy based on growing wheat and raising cattle. supported by army.
1946 Juan Domingo Perón
He established and authoritarian and populist regime.
1976 military took power headed by General Videla
1977 meeting in Plaza de mayo
1982 conflict with GB over the control of the Fakland Islands(islas malvinas)
1938 Raul Alfonsin
he inherited the effects of the 1982 crisis in Latin America
1989 Carlos Saul Menem
assumed duties in the midst a major economic crisis
made important changes to the constitution, presidental re-election
1999 Fernando de la Rúa
faced intense economic crisis
civil riots led him to resign
2007 Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
first female president in argentina
wife former president Nestor Kirchner
was born as a result of portuguese colonization
military dictatorship caused by political and social inestability 1964-1985
1968 brazilian "economic miracle"
1985 external debt and inflation rate 800%
1989 Fernando Collor de Mello
won the first elections since 1960
two years later he resigned (corruption scandal)
2002 Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
first leftist in four decades
2008 Brazil become south amercia largest economy
19 70 Salvador Allende
socialist party
he made radical reforms regarding agriculture and the expropiation and the nationalization or key industries sectors
the richer sectors allied with the military in a coup defeat to depose Allende
september 11, 1973 military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet
he ended the first democratically socialist government in Chile
he introduced the neoliberal model
1980n pressure by catholic church that condemned the abuse to human rights
1990 Patricio Aylwin became president
2006 Michelle Bachelet
first female president in chile
socialist and divorcé
students demanding better education
2010 Sebastian Piñera
first conservative to be elected after Pinochet
1968 Juan Velasco Alvarado
took over peru in a coup d'etat
agrarian reform and educational reform
nationalistic government
1975 military took control
economic crisis
1980 Fernando Belaunde Terry
civil government
shining path
1985 Alan Garcia
insurgence became bigger problem
1990 Alberto Fujimori
1992 "self-administered coup"
fought against terrorism
2001 Alejandro Toledo
first indigenous president
poorest country in south america
between 1978 and 1982, 10 different governments were in charge of the country(military ones including)
hyperinflation reached unprecedent levels
mining industry was colapsing
banks almost had to close their doors
"el Niño" destroyed agricultar production
open door to drug trafficking (economic alternative)
Paz Estenssoro
he dismantled thestate owned mining industry
opened the door to foreign investment
1989 Paz Zamora
neoliberal policies
domestic production of food and raw materials
fear of loosing US support against drug traffic
2002 SAnchez de Lozada
peasant rebellion
he resigned next year
2005 Evo Morales
first bolivian president to come from indigenous descent
leftist reform
advocated to more taxes on the wealther population
more rights for the indigenous comunities
nationalization of the oil industry in 2006
railroads and mines 2007
economy growing
devaluation of boliviano under control
2009 re-elected
never affected by a dictatorship in the XX century
uninterrupted democracy since 1985
country´s economic dependence on oil revenues
Luis Herrera Campins and Carlos Andres Perez
had to deal with the defeated exports and increase on inflation capital flight and unemployment
Hugo Chávez 1998
he installed a populist regime with non expenses on education and food coupons
he won the support of the working class
2002 attempt to remove him from office
his government kept close ties with Cuba and Iran
2009 referendum where term limitations for presidency where eliminated
he could run for president in 2012
nationalization of key sectors of the industry with no regard to foreign assets involved in them
elite of coffee plantation owners
"la violencia" 1946-64
Liberals vs Conservatives
ends with negotiation to share the power
National Liberation Army and Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces were created
1970 drug cartels
1980 unprecedent level of violence
1990 CEsar Gavina
liberal party
intrauration of neoliberalism
1200 US military assistance against drug trade
FARC got involved drug production
2002 Alvaro Uribe
start strong front against cartels and guerrilas
2006 reelected
conflict with ecuador when colombian army crossed the border to persecute the FARC
2010 Juan Manuel Santos
defense minister of alvaro uribe