Green jobs as an effective framework for sustainable agriculture.
Green house gases are gases that causes global warming and climate change.
Green jobs according to UNEP are,"positions in agriculture, manufacturing, R&D, administrative, and service activities aimed at substantially preserving or restoring environmental quality"
The biggest cause of green house gases is the use of fossil fuel.
Green power is a renewable energy that decreases green house emissions.
History Of Issue
The issue started to become worrying when people started burning fossil fuels for energy.
Svante Arrhenius was a Swedish scientist that was first to claim that burning fossil fuels will enhance global warming.
In 1940 there were developments in infrared spectroscopy which measured long wave radiation.
In 1988 it was acknowledged that the climate was warmer then any time in 1990
What's Being Done
European Union and United States launched the global methane pledge which will effect over 100 countries and aim to reduce 30% of methane emissions by 2030.
More people using renewable energy sources.
The making of electric vehicles.
the UN ActNow Campaign to get ideas from the community to stop global warming.
Suggested Resolutions
not using as much fossil fuels.
using different energy sources such as: wind power, solar power, geothermal power, landfill gas, biomass power, and low impact hydropower.
EPA’s Sustainability Report and Implementation Plan finds solutions to reduce green house gas emissions.
Kyoto protocol requires countries to lower their anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission.
EPA has been completing major energy-efficient capital improvement projects.
EPA has exceeded sustainable purchasing.
EPA has decreased pollution.
reducing EPA scope 1 2 and 3 green house gas emissions.