Caring for yourself

Why is it so hard?
Sometimes taking care of yourself can be harder than taking care of someone else because you might not know if you need help or not, and we are always initiative ourself. When it comes to others, we take less initiative, and we need more of a precise and elderly advice.

Some other reasons are that you might not know how to handle a situation or who to tell. You might not know how to balance your physical and emotional wellbeing.Sometimes you dont know how to balance time and space.
Main topic

To conclude, caring for yourself can be a hard job, to balance all your mental and emotional health.
Maintaining your physical health

Physical health is about eating healthy, exercising, getting enough sleep, caring for our bodies, and avoiding"risky" behaviours.
Maintaining your phyisical health means to get moving now and then, eat well, and sleep well.
Maintaining your emotional health

Emotional health is about dealing with stress, anger, & other emotions healthily.
Maintaining your emotional health has three stages
Staying balanced
Asking for help
Taking breaks time to time

When you are looking out for somebody else, you can easily forget about yourself and your mental healthcare.