The Four Time Quardrants

Q1:The Procrastinator

Things that are important are like helping a sick
child, or meeting an important deadline. Things that are NOT important are like when you put off doing our homework, and then do it all at the last minute. Some things that are urgent are someone who likes to put hings off over again. Other things that are not urgent are planning ahead.

Doing everything at the last minute gives the procrastinator
a rush. In fact, his mind won`t kick into gear until there`s an emergency going on.

Results of too much time of stress an anxiety,
burn outs, and mediocre performance.

Q2:The Prioritizer

The Prioritizer`s important things are relaxing,
building friendships, exercising, planning ahead, and doing homework...on time!

She likes to usually not stress out and stay calm because
she knows that if she over panics she won`t get any of her urgent work done.

Results of control of your life, balance, and high

Q3:The Yes-Man

He tries to please other people and responding
for every desire. The urgent things have the appearance of being important. But, there often not. For example, a ringing phone is urgent, but often the conversation is not important.

The Yes-Man has a hard time saying no anyone,
when he tries to please everyone he has a hard time of pleasing himself. When he says yes to everything he only does what he has time to do and turns mostly everyone down.

Results of reputation of being a "pleaser", lack
of discipline, and feeling like a doormat for others to wipe their feet on.

Q4: The Slacker

Noting is important or urgent so..., yeah lets just
explain about him in the second bubble down below.

He likes too much TV, too much sleep, too many
video games, or too much time on the web.

Results of lack of responsibility, guilt, and flakiness.