the power of social media

spread news super fast
good or bad news
any achievement
international or in the country
natural disaster
tsunami, typhoon, flood

gains new virtual friends
can enhance your knowledge
improve the commucation and writing skill
improve ways of thinking
people tends to trust what on social media more than actual story

what we post is really important
good posting will give positive vibe
society always praise someone that bring benefit
a lot of people watch our post
people tend to make assumption
fake news affect our daily life
false info give bad effect
anti vaccine, flat earth, racism
health information

increase income
instagram and twitter to promote bussiness
people spend their time more on social media
people at all age use social media
make video tp gain money

Use the power of information for your own advantage
alert with current issue
for interview
use in essay
increase your safety alerts
precaution in something
health info
haze issue
cancer alert
healthy life style tips
criminal alert
snatch bag, kidnap cases

sharing information about how to defend your self