They videochat in "The Last Friend" app and meet in Mateo's apartment
Death cast's heralds
Dalma Young is the creator of the app
Mateo is Penny´s godfather
Officer Andrade puts them in jail


His father

He is in intensive care

His mother

Died giving birth of Mateo

Lidia Vargas

Mateo's best and only friend

Husband: Cristhian (dead)

Called by death-cast

Car accident in Pennsylvania

Never got to meet his daughter

Daughter: Penny

Andrea Donahue (his herald)

Selfish, she only cares about her job

She hurry a lot with the calls

Kendrick O'Connell

Mateo gave him a pair of shoes when Kendrick's were stolen


New York


Regrets about the things he didnt do

Wanted to be an architec

Music is important for him

Space sounds of the NASA

He distracts himself from his end day by playing music

He reads about decker's end day in countdowners

He download the "Last Friend" app

He is very generous with money

Homeless man

Breakfast's check

He gives Lidia an envelope of cash

Donates an extra hundred dollars to Travel Arena

He becomes the Mateo he always wanted to be

He punchs Peck in the face

Rufus Emeterio

All of his family died drowned in a car accident

Malcom Anthony

One of Rufus's best friend


Tagoe Hayes

One of Rufus's best friend


He is haircut artist

He has a tick that makes his neck pull him in directions

Aimee Dubois

Rufus's ex girlfriend

Patrick Peck Gavin

Aimee's new couple

Called the police

Kendrick O'Connel and Damien Rivas

Victor (his herald)

Calls him one hour later

Empathetic and caring

He is depressed


His job

Delilah Grey

She broke up with Victor


New York



Foster home

Francis and Jenn

He loves his life and isn't ready for leaving it

Wanted to travel around the world and take pictures

He takes photos and post it on instagram

He gets the "Last Friend" app when he sees a graffity of that in a supermarket wall

Rufus trust and understand Mateo

Mateo is different from Rufus friends: he is a very sensitive and pure person

He visits Mateo's dad and tells him all the things they did, how great his son was and he also shows him all the photos they took. Rufus leaves him a note and leave it with Mateo's picture.

Places that Mateo and Rufus visit

Cannon Café


Shows compassion

The hospital

Mateo says goodbye to his dad

He leaves him a photo of he and his dad in one of Mateo's birhthday with a note on the back for when Dad wakes up from his coma

Lidia's house

Mateo leaves an envelope of cash for Lidia

Make-A-Moment station


Althea park

Rufus gives his bike to a boy that is playing handball

A drugstore

Rufus buys Mateo a set of legos

The Evergreens cemetery

Mateo visits his mom

He sees his own grave next from his mother´s

The pier where Rufus' family died

Open Bookstore

Mateo buys the mistery book and postcards

The World Travel Arena

Lidia comes

The Around the World tour in 80 minutes

El Yunque Rainforest room

They jump from a cliff


An underground dance club place

Rufus and Mateo sing "American Pie" together

Mateo kiss Rufus

Rufus meet the Plutos

The "gang with no name" arrive

Mateo's house

Rufus does a photoshoot to Mateo

Mateo sings a song to him

They eat snacks

They make a plan of staying in bed till the day finishes

Mateo go out

Mateo dies by switching on the burner and causing a fire




Delilah Grey

She recivied the call but thinks it's a cruel Victor's prank to take revenge on her

She's a huge fan of Howie Maldonado

She will interrogate him

Survives the explosion and the car accident

Howie Maldonado

Mateo's favorite fictional villain


Childhood best friend and first love

Dies in the car accident during his interview

Vin Pearce

Chronic muscle disease

He puts a bomb in the gym commiting suicide and taking others deckers lives

Zoe Landon
