Thor and the giants
Name: Chris Rose

Write stories of gods from Norse mythology. An example is: Fenrir's chain.
Farmers (mother and dad)
Thialfi (farmers son)
Skrymir (giant)
Utgard (king of the giants)
Elli (the giant old woman)
Story Structure
Thor was bored in Asgard and told Loki that he needed an adventure. It ocurred to Thor to fight some giants. Then they traveled and met some farmers, the farmer's son followed with Thor and Loki in search of the giants.
They found while traveling a giant who told them where to find more giants. Suddenly they found a large door, but they couldn't get throught and the farmer's son entered.
The giants told them that if they wanted to stay they needed to be good at something. Loki ate, the farmer's son ran and Thor drank. But none of them beat them. The kingof the giants confessed that they had cheated to win and Thor became very angry, then the giants disappeared.
I really liked the book because I laughed a lot at the end when Loki told Thor that the next adventure he had better come up with something else. I liked it too, because Norse mythology is very surprise and very interesting. I hope to continue reading stories of mythological gods.